System Maintenance Setup
System Maintenance Items
System Maintenance Items define the details for System Maintenance. Their purpose is to perform a unit of work. The type of work depends on the type of maintenance item. Presently there are two different types: PeopleCode and an Item Set. A PeopleCode maintenance item executes a defined Application Package Class method. An Item Set is a collection of other maintenance items.
Maintenance Items are associated with a Maintenance Group. A Maintenance Group may have multiple Items. The Maintenance Management page allows the user to pick a Maintenance Group and run its items.
General Configuration
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Technical Setup > System Maintenance Setup > System Maintenance Item
A maintenance item has a specific type that drives the configuration options. Options specific to a type are documented in the following sections. This section details configuration setting common to all types.
Adding an Item
A new item is created using any mixture of characters and spaces.
General Item Properties
Description | This is the short description of the item. It appears in Maintenance Group setup, Item Set setup, and on the Maintenance Manager page. This defaults from the Item identifier. |
Item Type | Item Set: This item is a “parent” to a group of other items. This can be used to run a sequence of steps that may not be important to the end-user. Application Package Method: The item will run the defined method. |
Purpose | A more thorough description of the Maintenance Item. On some pages this is not shown unless the user takes an action to display it. |
Delete Item | Removes the definition of the item. If the item exists as a subitem to another item or in a Maintenance Group, the user will be prompted to continue. If they choose to delete an item referenced elsewhere it is also removed from those definitions. |
App Package Items
When the Item Type is App Package Method the Maintenance Manager will run the method defined for this Item.
SubItem Only | When checked this Item may only be used in an Item Set (see below). For example, it isn’t reasonable for the item to be run individually but instead is part of a sequence of steps. Items of this type are not available when defining Maintenance Groups. |
Root Package Id | Application Package the method belongs to |
Path | The subpackage the class is in. Classes at the root have a path of “:” (colon) |
Class Name | The class the method is in |
Method Name | The method to run. Currently methods with parameters are not supported. |
Use Debug Tags | If checked a grid is visible below. A debug tag is a new debugging option to filter Debug Log messages based on matching tags. |
Debug Tag Grid | Enter as many tags as desired in the grid. Any matching tag will result in the debug message being written. Tags are part of a coded solution; therefore, the proper values should be communicated by developers. |
Item Sets
Item Sets contain other items. These are useful for aggregating several steps that may otherwise be confusing to the end user.
Maintenance Item Grid | Add and remove Maintenance Items. Another Item Set cannot be part of an Item Set. Note: the order in which the items are listed is the order they will be executed. The Maintenance Manager does not allow for Maintenance Items within an Item Set to be run individually. |
System Maintenance Groups
A System Maintenance Group is a set of Maintenance Items. The group can be an organized set of related items to be run individually; or it can be configured to run all the items at once in a specified order.
The user selects a System Maintenance Group in the System Maintenance component to perform a task.
For details of the configuration options in this menu, continue reading below.
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Technical Setup > System Maintenance Setup > System Maintenance Group
Adding a Group
A new group is created using any mixture of characters and spaces.
Maintenance Group Configuration Options
Some options only display under certain conditions.
Description | This is the short description of the Maintenance Group. This is how the group is presented on the Maintenance Manager component. It defaults from the group identifier. |
Active | The status of the group, by default checked. Unchecking this field prevents the group from being selected in the System Maintenance component. If Inactivate Group After Running is checked then Active will be unselected after running the group. |
Purpose | A more thorough description of the Maintenance Group. This appears on the System Maintenance component when the user hovers over the description. |
Allow Run All | Controls the ability of the group being run as a whole on the System Maintenance component. |
Enable Ordering | If this box is checked then the System Maintenance component will order the Group’s items according to the Order specified in the Group Items grid. |
Inactivate Group After Running | This option appears when Allow Run All is selected. If this checkbox is also checked then the Group will be automatically inactivated if the user clicks the Run All button in the System Maintenance component. This is useful for group that only should be run a single time. |
Delete Group | Removes the Maintenance Group Definition. |
Group Items Grid
Order | Only shows if Enable Ordering is checked. This determines the order in which items will execute on the System Maintenance component. Items with an identical Order number are ordered alphanumerically. |
Active | When checked the Item is included as a step to run on the System Maintenance component when the Group is loaded. |
Item | Select a Maintenance Item to run. Items that are not exclusively subItems are available for selection. |