📄️ Constants
GT eForms 3.50 Helium includes a lot of static values. The G3CONSTANT table is an enumeration table that provides auto-complete code lookups and less error prone code by avoiding hard coded strings through the Framework. This table is intended for Framework constants only.
📄️ Custom Segment Defaults
Custom Segment Defaults connect code to custom segments, usually if the custom segment is used on more than one form.
📄️ Form PeopleCode
Form PeopleCode is a new page in GT eForms 3.50 that lists all customer-added solution code as recognized by the Form Build Process. This page provides a useful summary of solution-added code without having to examine the application package in Application Designer.
📄️ Notification Events
On the Notification Events page, you can configure the types of events that you need to be available for use on the Form Type Table’s notifications tab.
📄️ Traversal Pages
A dependency network has nodes for the entities in a GT eForm type, and connections between those represent relationships between those entities. The 3.50 Helium form engine uses this network to trigger what needs to happen to show form pages to a user and respond as a user interacts with the form. It does this by traversing or walking down the branches of the network. These traversals are built during the Form Build process and then are used as a user interacts with a form.