Traversal Pages
A dependency network has nodes for the entities in a GT eForm type, and connections between those represent relationships between those entities. The 3.50 Helium form engine uses this network to trigger what needs to happen to show form pages to a user and respond as a user interacts with the form. It does this by traversing or walking down the branches of the network. These traversals are built during the Form Build process and then are used as a user interacts with a form.
To understand what the traversals are and the order in which they fire, see Appendix 1 of the Helium Tech Reference document
There are three pages that can be used as a reference to see which nodes are in a traversal. They can be helpful to see what the Helium form engine will do as a user interacts with the form and in what order.
- General Traversals – traversals that are triggered without a specific trigger node
Navigation: Manager GT eForms 3.X > GT Technical Setup > Reference > General Traversals- E.g. The traversal that is used when opening a form is not triggered from a specific node
- Node Traversals – traversals triggered with a single trigger node
Navigation: Manager GT eForms 3.X > GT Technical Setup > Reference > Node Traversals- E.g. The traversal that is used to do the data-related work when the user changes a field is triggered from the field tag node for the field the user changed
- Two Node Traversals – traversals triggered from two trigger nodes
Navigation: Manager GT eForms 3.X > GT Technical Setup > Reference > Two Node Traversal- E.g. The traversal that is used to do the display-related work when the user paints a field is triggered from the page AND the field. Two Node Traversals are display-related and are needed because what is repainted when changing a field on one page may be different from what is repainted when changing the same field on another page.
There is also a reference page that shows the connections used for a traversal. This page can be ignored. The data was used for a feature with the Network Visualizer that is being evaluated for possible deprecation.
- Traversal Connections
Navigation: Manager GT eForms 3.X > GT Technical Setup > Reference > Traversal Connections
General Traversals
Navigation: Manager GT eForms 3.X > GT Technical Setup > Reference > General Traversals
General Traversals have a list of the nodes to resolve for events triggered at the form level (e.g. opening and saving a form).
General Traversals
Opening a Form | ComponentData | E_COMPDATA |
Opening a Form | FormLoad | E_FORMLOAD |
Opening a Form | Validate | E_VALIDATE |
Saving a Form | FormSave | E_FORMSAVE |
Saving a Form | SavePreChange | E_SAVEPRECHANGE |
When a form is loaded, and the ComponentData
event/traversal fires, the Custom Segments in the form will be loaded with data in this order:
Node Traversals
Navigation: Manager GT eForms 3.X > GT Technical Setup > Reference > Node Traversals
Node Traversals have a list of the nodes to resolve for events triggered from a specific node.
Traversal Options for Node Traversals
Changing a field | FieldChangeDataReset | E_FIELDCHANGE_DATA_RESET |
Changing a field | FieldChangeData | E_FIELDCHANGE_DATA |
Grid Rows | InsertDeleteRowAllDataReset | E_INSDELROW_ALL_DATA_RESET |
Grid Rows | InsertDeleteRowAllData | E_INSDELROW_ALL_DATA |
Grid Rows | InsertRow | E_INSERTROW |
Grid Rows | DeleteRow | E_DELETEROW |
Navigating to a page | PageReset | E_PAGE_RESET |
Navigating to a page | InitialPaint | E_INITIAL_PAINT |
Navigating to a page | PostNav | E_POSTNAV |
Leaving a page | PreNav | E_PRENAV |
Two Node Traversal
Navigation: Manager GT eForms 3.X > GT Technical Setup > Reference > Two Node Traversal
Two Node Traversals have a list of the nodes to resolve for events triggered from two specific nodes. Two Node Traversals are display-related and are needed because what is repainted when changing a field on one page may be different from what is repainted when changing the same field on another page.
Traversal Options for Two Node Traversals
User Action | Traversal | Event |
Changing a Field | FieldChangeDisplayReset | E_FIELDCHANGE_DISPLAY_RESET |
Changing a Field | FieldChangeDisplay | E_FIELDCHANGE_DISPLAY |
Grid Rows | InsertDeleteRowAllDisplayReset | E_INSDELROW_ALL_DISPLAY_RESET |
Grid Rows | InsertDeleteRowAllDisplay | E_INSDELROW_ALL_DISPLAY |