๐๏ธ Ad Hoc PeopleCode and SQL
Ad Hoc PeopleCode and SQL is a code testing application inside the Application Server. It is useful for implementing code and checking for errors. All SQL run in the window will commit directly to the database, and all PeopleCode written will implement inside the database.
๐๏ธ Attachment Population Utility
This utility syncs up the G3FORM_ATTACH table with file attachment information from each eForm transaction. It can also be used to delete duplicate attachments from eForms.
๐๏ธ Control eForms IB Queues
From this page you can stop or start messaging queues used with eForms. These messages typically control the update of the PeopleSoft system with information from the eForms. When they are running, any submitted messages are processed and information from the eForms goes into the PeopleSoft components.
๐๏ธ Email Tool
The Email Tool allows for emails to be sent to any email address or based upon an Oprid and stored in the Notification Log on the Form Admin Tool. This component can be used from the Navigation bar or can be used as a modal window component as a link to a page on your form or a related action on a pivot grid. The Email Tool also integrates with the Send Notifications based on User Workflow Routing Preference found in the Form Installation Table and can be configured to only send emails to users who have emails defined in their User Role Routing Preference.
๐๏ธ Form Builder Utility
The Form Builder Utility allows you to build multiple form types at the same time from a simple menu and uses the Process Scheduler to complete the form builds. Note, this tool only works with form types where โUse Helium Performanceโ is checked on the General tab of Form Setup.
๐๏ธ GT Dev Debug Tool
When enabled, this tool will return the code for any action taken once the โDebugging On?โ button is checked. The tool should be opened in the same browser window as the target page to successfully view the code.
๐๏ธ GT Environment Tools
GT Environment Tools can be used as a last resort to reboot the App Server and force portal change refreshes.
๐๏ธ Import Tree
Imports a tree without involving and cycling with systems administrators to import trees.
๐๏ธ Message Catalog
The objective of this message catalog utility is to limit access to update certain message catalogs. With the delivered message catalog that PeopleSoft provides, if a user has access to the component/page, the user can update any message catalog set. GT created a utility that allows limited access to the message catalogs so forms builders/business analysts to can create and update a restricted list of message sets for use within GT eForms.
๐๏ธ Network Visualizer
The 3.50 Helium form engine includes Network Visualizer, which provides a visual representation of the Dependency Network. The Dependency Network is comprised of the elements that make up the pages and related logic of an eForm and the relationships between those elements. The objective of this document is to help functional and technical form builders use the Dependency Network Visualizer to quickly review and understand the logic and relationships with a form type. This document starts with an example of using this to map out how the value for a NAME field is set. It also provides a description of nodes and connections that may appear in the visualizer.
๐๏ธ Object Dependency Tool
This tool allows you to map any PS object (component, page, record, code, etc.) to its dependencies on other PS objects. You can then save the list of objects and all their dependencies out to an app designer project.
๐๏ธ PeopleCode Test
PeopleCode Test is a test platform for PeopleCode development. Used to test Class/Methods created in the App Package G3PC_TEST.
๐๏ธ SQL Object Tool
The SQL Object Tool enables users to manipulate the database directly from the PIA.
๐๏ธ STOMP Tool
A user may use the Search Tool for Object Migration Preparation (STOMP) tool to search for PeopleTools objects, and then add them to one or more projects. It is especially helpful for finding orphaned objects โ objects missing from either the desired project or from any project.
๐๏ธ PeopleCode/SQL Trace Files
Log and review executed PeopleCode/SQL
๐๏ธ Transporter Tool
GT eForms features an API to enable web service integration for the GT eForms Transporter. This makes it possible to automate the migration of a GT eForm from one Peoplesoft environment to another. The Transporter Tool presented in this document is a front-end to this API providing the same features. It is also used to monitor transporter API requests instigated by web services.
๐๏ธ View Environment Images
The 'View Environment Images' utility provides a log of the images delivered with the GT eForms Framework. This list of images can be reused throughout the framework.
๐๏ธ View Log Files
The 'View Log Files' page is where code trace logs (generated with 'SQL On/Off' or 'PeopleCode On/Off') can be viewed.
๐๏ธ Workflow Tools
Pending Approver Refresh, Worklist Cleanup, Mass Resubmit, and Mass Withdraw tools
๐๏ธ Standard Form Data Converter
Convert XML data from Standard form transactions to JSON data for Helium Performance.