Workflow Tools
Workflow Tools include:
- Pending Approver Refresh
- Worklist Cleanup
- Mass Resubmit
- Mass Withdraw
Pending Approver Refresh
The Pending Approver Refresh tool re-evaluates forms currently in pending status for new approvers belonging to the workflow step. If any new approvers are found, the tool can create a worklist item for that new approver.
Select a form filter criterion, then continue to the Refresh Pending Approvers processor.
Find Forms by
Use the Find Forms by dropdown to choose the filter category for the form search. Select Advanced Criteria, All Forms or Single Form.
Field | Description |
Find Forms by: | Dropdown field to indicate how you determine which forms will refresh the list of pending approvers. Advanced Criteria: Filter by form type and date range All Forms: Search all forms Single Form: Search by Form ID |
Schedule As Process (button) | Opens a modal window to select a Run Control ID to run the process to refresh the pending approvers via the Process Scheduler. |
Advanced Criteria Filter Type
The advanced criteria allow the user to filter a search by form type and date range. Use the Select All button to find pending forms in all form types. Use the Start and End Date to specify a form origination date range. If no dates are entered, then all forms meeting selected form type criteria will be returned. Start and End date refer to the origination date of the form (rather than the date on which a form was submitted or routed to the workflow).
Field | Description |
Include (checkbox) | Check a box to include a form type in the search filter. Click the “Select All” button to select all form types |
Form Type | Lists all form type, regardless of form family |
Start Date | Specifies the earliest origination date in a range |
End Date | Specifies the latest origination date in a range |
Select Forms (button) | Runs the search based on selected form type and/or date range criteria |
Total Matching Forms | Shows the number of forms for a given form type and date range |
Approval in Process | Shows forms in pending status for a given form type and date range. |
All Forms Filter Type
The All Forms option allows a user to search for any form type in pending status. If the 'All Forms' filter option is chosen, the Total Matching Forms and Approval in Process results will appear automatically. Proceed to the refresh Pending Approvals section to process forms.
- 'Total Matching Forms' displays the count of all forms in the system
- 'Approval in Process' displays the count of all pending forms in the system
Single Form Filter Type
The Single Form option allows a user to search for a single Form ID to update. Enter the Form ID and click Select Forms. The Total Matching Forms and Approval in Process results will appear automatically if the Form ID is valid. Approval in Process results will appear blank if the Form ID is not currently in pending status. Proceed to the refresh Pending Approvals section to process the form.
Field | Description |
Form ID | Enter a Form ID |
Refresh Pending Approvers
This group box is used to run a processor that refreshes the workflow steps and worklist items for the selection criteria results. The processor will always update any relevant workflow steps; however, the worklist update is optional.
Feature | Description |
Create Worklist Items for approvers who don’t have them (checkbox) | Click this checkbox to create worklist items for new approvers and remove worklist items for invalid approvers Unclick this checkbox to exclude worklist updating (used where no Worklist is configured in Notification scheme) |
Run | Runs the processor to update workflow and worklist, where necessary |
Result | Log showing details of the process and any items updated |
Worklist Cleanup
This tool will find all worklist items for a form or set of forms and evaluate them to take the following actions:
- If a user has more than one Worklist Item for the same form, it will clear the duplicates.
- If a user has Worklist items for a form that is no longer active, it will clear them.
- If a user has Worklist items for an in-flight form, but they are not currently a pending approver, it will clear them.
- If a user has cleared Worklist items for an in-flight form, but they are a pending approver, it will reactivate them (only one per form though).
Use the Report Only option mode to preview the results. Use the Execute Updates option to run the cleanup.
Find Worklist Items by
Use the Find Worklist by dropdown to select a filter type. Then, select a process type and click run.
Filter Type | Description |
All Forms | Search all forms |
Range of Forms by Date | Search by forms by origination start and end date |
Single Form | Search by Form ID |
All Forms
Use this option to evaluate all forms for worklist cleanup.
Range of Forms by Date
Use this option to evaluate forms that originated within a certain date range.
Feature | Description |
Start Date | Specifies the earliest origination date in a range |
End Date | Specifies the latest origination date in a range |
Single Form
Use this option to evaluate a single form ID.
Feature | Description |
Form ID | Enter a Form ID |
Report and Execute Updates
The Worklist Cleanup tab allows the user to review a report for worklist items needing cleanup, or to report and execute updates at the same time.
Click the Report Only radio button to display within the result box a report of worklist items needing cleanup.
Click the Execute Updates radio button to clean up worklist items returned in the report, or to run the report and worklist cleanup at the same time.
Feature | Description |
Report Only | Runs a report on the filtered items |
Execute Updates | Executes worklist cleanup on filtered items |
Run button | Processes either the report or the worklist cleanup as selected in one of the radio button options above |
Result | Displays a report of worklist status of filtered items or a report of executed worklist cleanup |
Mass Resubmit
The Mass Resubmit tool will find all forms with a pending workflow step for a given form type and resubmit them. If there is a pending transaction for a form it will be terminated prior to the resubmit.
Resubmitting forms will re-establish the workflow, including any configuration changes made to stages, paths, steps, rosters, or visual ifs. Each form will start over as pending at the first valid workflow step.
Feature | Description |
Form Type | Dropdown displays a list of all form types, regardless of form family. Select a form type to filter the mass resubmission |
Run button | Processes the mass resubmission |
Result | Displays a report form resubmission status |
Pending Count | Displays the number of forms type in pending status for the given form type |
Mass Withdraw
The Mass Withdraw Utility is an administrative utility that allows users to rapidly withdraw large groups of form transactions via the Process Scheduler. It provides a simple interface and makes for a useful cleanup tool. As an administrative tool, this tool gives users a lot of power and should be used with caution.
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > Workflow Tools > Mass Withdraw
'Form Statuses to Include' Section
This section has four options that coincide with form statuses. Selecting a status will tell the tool to search for form transactions with that status. Users are required to select a form status to complete this process.
'Form Types to Include' Section
This section contains a list of the existing form types in the environment. Selecting a form type will tell the tool to search for form transactions from that form type.
Other Details and Run Control
This section allows users to input other parameters for the utility. It includes the date selector, the 'Select Forms' button, a comment field, and the 'Run' button accompanied by a link to the Process Monitor.
Feature | Description |
Last Date | Filter results by submission date. Will search for forms submitted on or before the specified date. |
Form Comment | Allows a user to type a comment that will be applied to every form transaction in the process. This is a required field. |
‘Run’ Button | Begins the mass withdraw process. Remains disabled (as shown in the screenshot above) until the user at least selects a form status and provides a comment, then clicks ‘Select Forms.’ If no forms match the search criteria, the button will remain disabled. Making any changes to selections in the Form Status or Form Type sections will disable the ‘Run’ button again, requiring the user to click ‘Select Forms’ to refresh the search. |
Important Considerations
Compatibility with form logic: As an administrative tool, the Mass Withdraw utility ignores most form logic, allowing users to freely manipulate forms. However, it’s important to be aware of this as it may result in abnormal form submission behavior. For example, you may have validations that affect when a user can withdraw a form. Those won’t be enforced when this tool is used.
Compatibility with notifications: When a user withdraws the form via the Mass Withdraw utility, form notifications will NOT be delivered. For example, a form may have an email notification configured to send when the form is withdrawn, but it will not send a notification when the form is withdrawn with this tool.
Errors in withdrawal process: There are certain times when the withdrawal process may encounter errors for individual form transactions in a batch, but the process will still display “success” in the Process Monitor. This is a generic withdrawal tool and does not account for all the ways a withdrawal could be interrupted. When a form withdrawal is interrupted, it will most likely be discoverable by reviewing the Message Log in the Process Monitor after running the process. See the screenshot below for an example.