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Email Tool

The Email Tool allows for emails to be sent to any email address or based upon an Oprid and stored in the Notification Log on the Form Admin Tool. This component can be used from the Navigation bar or can be used as a modal window component as a link to a page on your form or a related action on a pivot grid. The Email Tool also integrates with the Send Notifications based on User Workflow Routing Preference found in the Form Installation Table and can be configured to only send emails to users who have emails defined in their User Role Routing Preference.


NOTE: The send method selected on the email template page is not currently integrated with the email tool.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > Email Tool

Email Tool

A screenshot of the full Email Tool menu

Form IDRead only view that displays the current Form IDm
ToLoads all approvers at the current step with their default PS email address
CCEnter the email address of any individual to copy on the email
BCCEnter the email address of any individual to blind copy on the email
GT Email Template (dropdown)Displays a list of all available email templates created using Email Templates from Manage GT eForms 3.x > Functional Setup > eForm Parts Gallery.

The dropdown will display the email template description and has a related display of the email template name.
SubjectSubject line with either autofill based on the GT Email Template selected or you have the ability to freeform any subject
BodyThe body of the email will autofill based on the GT Email Template selected or you have the ability to enter any text into the body of the email. A rich text editor is available to customize the styling of the body of the email.
Send (button)Sends the email to those in the recipient list. A notification will appear confirming the email has been sent. Once you click “OK” the window will close.

After clicking send, the email will be saved to the notification log tab of the Form Admin Tool.

Generate Email String Modal Window

There is a small icon shown to the right of the To, CC, and BCC boxes that opens a modal window to generate the email string.

A screenshot highlighting the modal window buttons that appear in the Email Tool

A screenshot showing the Email String modal window that appears in the Email Tool

Use Operator ID (checkbox)If checked, will open the Operator ID field
Operator ID (prompt lookup)Enter the email recipient’s User ID. This function is case-sensitive
Email AddressWill display the email address based on the OPRID or will be freeform to enter the email address of the recipient
Recipient NameIf OPRID is selected, will display only the name from the user profile. Otherwise, can define the name of the recipient
PlusAdd a new email recipient
Minus signDelete an email recipient
Override Email Address NoteIf email override has been turned on, the override email address will display here.
Emails will only be sent to the email address indicated in the email override.
To (read-only)Displays the read-only email string that is being created