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SQL Object Tool

The SQL Object Tool enables users to manipulate the database directly from the PIA.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.0 > GT Utilities > SQL Object Tool

With the SQL Object Tool, we can select from a list of SQL objects from a Lookup Table by selecting the magnifying lens located to the right of the field named SQL Name.

Using the SQL Object Tool

Screenshot of SQL Object Tool

SQL NameUsed to insert SQL objects from a lookup table
SQL TextUse this text box to enter SQL commands to call data tables and manipulate the data structures and entries to the database
SQL Bind VariableThis tool is used in conjunction with text entered into the SQL commands. The Bind Variable field is used to exchange values entered into the SQL Text box with alternative definitions without changing the SQL Name definition.
Run SQLRuns the current SQL object in the text field
Clear SQLClears all SQL code in the SQL Text
Save SQLStores SQL as a new entry in the Lookup Table for future use
Fetch All/Fetch RowsThe user can select between “Fetch All” or “Fetch Rows” for the display to limit how many rows will be displayed on the view that generates when the RUN SQL button is clicked
SQL View OptionSQL View Option allows the user to select between the Grid or Table view

SQL Name Lookup

The Look Up table will pop up when you click the magnifying lens. This Look Up allows results to be limited by the user to quickly find an existing SQL object. This option can be enabled by selecting from a drop-down list at the top.

Screenshot of SQL Name Lookup

Search ByUser chooses from Last Update User ID, Object Owner ID, SQL Name, and SQL Object Type to personalize the search
Look UpSearches with the given parameters entered by the user in the search by field
CancelCloses the Lookup window and takes the user back to the SQL Object Tool
SQL NameName of the SQL Object
Last Update User IDThe latest user that has updated the SQL object
Object Owner IDA Particular group for which the SQL Object references