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PeopleCode/SQL Trace Files

PeopleCode Trace

Clicking on these links controls a backend PeopleCode trace that logs all executed PeopleCode. This tool is useful for tracing down PeopleCode bugs and determining the order of PeopleCode execution.


Before initiating a trace, prepare the activity you wish to inspect. When a user clicks the link, various activities will be traced, including navigating between pages, loading pages, clicking on links, inputting data, and various other underlying code.

Using the PeopleCode Trace

Before initiating a PeopleCode trace, navigate to “View Log Files” and remove any existing trace logs.


Be sure to discontinue the trace once your inspection is complete (PeopleCode Trace Off). Otherwise, the trace will continue in the background and build a large log file, both of which could impact performance.

PeopleCode Trace On

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > People Code Trace On

The trace begins with navigation to the 'PeopleCode Trace On' page.

Figure 1 – PeopleCode Trace On Page
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The trace log is located on the “View Log Files” page. There, the user can investigate code that was run during the trace.

PeopleCode Trace Off

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > People Code Trace Off

Clicking this link terminates the backend trace.

Figure 2 – PeopleCode Trace Off Page
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SQL Trace

Clicking on this link initiates a backend SQL trace: All SQL that is run is logged. This tool is useful for tracing down SQL bugs.


Before initiating a trace, prepare the activity you wish to inspect. When a user clicks the link, any SQL that is run will be logged.

Using the SQL Trace

Before initiating a SQL trace, navigate to “View Log Files” and remove any existing trace logs.


Be sure to discontinue the trace once your inspection is complete (SQL Trace Off). Otherwise, the trace will continue in the background and build a large log file, both of which could impact performance.

SQL Trace On

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > SQL Trace On

The trace begins with navigation to the 'SQL Trace On' page.

Figure 3 – SQL Trace On Page
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The trace log is located on the “View Log Files” page. There, the user can investigate code that was run during the trace.

SQL Trace Off

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > SQL Trace Off

Clicking this link terminates the backend trace.

Figure 4 – SQL Trace Off Page
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