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A user may use the Search Tool for Object Migration Preparation (STOMP) tool to search for PeopleTools objects, and then add them to one or more projects. It is especially helpful for finding orphaned objects – objects missing from either the desired project or from any project.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > STOMP Tool

'Search For Tools Objects' Tab

Screenshot of search for tools object tab

Object TypeSelect the object type(s) to display in results
Last Update User IDEnter User ID to only return results where that User ID was the last one to update the object
Days Since Last UpdateEnter numeric value to only return results that have been updated in the last number of days specified
Orphan (checkbox)Check for search to only return objects that aren't in the listed projects under the Default Save-To Project dropdown
GT Naming Convention (checkbox)Check to only display search results that start with G_ or G3
Exclude PPLSOFT (checkbox)Check to not display search results for PeopleSoft-delivered objects
Advanced Query Edit (checkbox)Check to view and edit the SQL used in the search (as derived from the tool field values and checkboxes)
Object Name PatternEnter a value to narrow down search results
Default Save-To ProjectSelect this option to preset the “Save-To project” field value for each search result row to a given project. Values for this dropdown come from the “Custom Projects” tab and from the form installation table project list found at Main Menu > Manage GT eForms 3.0 > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Form Installation Table
Search (button)Click to run a search based on the above criteria
Search Results – Projects (link)Click to view what projects this object is in and add/remove projects as necessary
Search Results – Save-To ProjectSelect this option and object will be added to the selected value upon clicking the Save button. Values for this dropdown come from the “Custom Projects” tab and from the form installation table project list found at Main Menu > Manage GT eForms 3.0 > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Form Installation Table
Save (button)Will add the listed objects to the specified Save-To Project value in the search results

'Custom Projects' Tab

The Custom Projects tab allows you to enter projects you want to add to or check for orphan objects.

Screenshot of STOMP Tool Custom Projects Tab

Project Name (prompt)Enter or search for a project to be able to search against on the Search For Tools Objects tab
Add (button)Click to add a row
Delete (button)Click to delete a row
Save (button)Click to add projects on this tab to the list of projects on the Default Save-To Projects dropdown on the Search For Tools Objects tab