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Ad Hoc PeopleCode and SQL

Ad Hoc PeopleCode and SQL is a code testing application inside the Application Server. It is useful for implementing code and checking for errors. All SQL run in the window will commit directly to the database, and all PeopleCode written will implement inside the database.

Navigation: Manage GT e Forms 3.x > GT Utilities > Ad Hoc PeopleCode and SQL

A screenshot of the 'Ad Hoc PeopleCode' menu

Run PeopleCode ButtonExecutes PeopleCode placed previously in G3UTIL.G3RUN_PC_PB.FieldChange in Application Designer
SQL TextUser can enter SQL commands to be executed on the database
Run SQLCommits all SQL commands written in SQL Text field
SQL ResultsReturns result from SQL when Run
SaveCommits changes to the database but does not work unless SQL code changed or updated and is correct
NotifyAfter saving data on the field opens link to share changes

Error Messages are built into the software to prompt and direct users to correct and properly execute SQL.