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Object Dependency Tool

This tool allows you to map any PS object (component, page, record, code, etc.) to its dependencies on other PS objects. You can then save the list of objects and all their dependencies out to an app designer project.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > Object Dependency Tool – Beta

Search Page

Use the search page to either find an existing value or add a new value. Existing values can be found by searching for the profile name or the project name.

A screenshot of the search page that appears for the Object Dependency Tool

Objects to be Mapped

Start with parent objects in Application Packages. Each object that are selected act as a starting point.

A screenshot of the 'Objects to be Mapped' section

Tools Object TypeUse prompt to select a valid tools object type
DescriptionDefaults in the descriptions of the tool object type selected
Object NameUse prompt to select on valid object names filtered by object type
Add/Delete rows (button)Adds and/or delete rows

Project Name

A screenshot of the 'Project Name' section

Project NameShould be unique – if project name already exists, the project won’t create
Create Project (button)Creates the project in App Designer using the project name
Clear Project (button)Removes all objects from the project definition
Delete Project (button)Removes all objects and delete the project completely

Mapping Filters

A screenshot of the 'Mapping Filters' section

Start with Everything (button)If checked, will run all the all objects noted as excluded first and then will run objects noted as include to override any of the excludes. NOTE: Potential to crash the app server if too many objects.
Start with Nothing (button)If checked, will run all the objects noted with include first and then any objects noted as exclude will run next and override any objects in the includes
Include/ExcludeUse the dropdown to mark each row as include or exclude.
Include will add to the project.
Exclude will not add to the project.
Like ClauseEnter the name of the object
Map ObjectsWhen clicked, will populate the Object Types section based on the selections made in the Objects to be Mapped and Mapping Filters sections

Object Types

Based on the Objects to be mapped and the mapping features, will return a list of all of the object the parent object references.

A screenshot of the 'Object Types' section

Select AllSelects all Object Types in the object type grid
Add All SelectedAdds all selected projects to the App Designer project
Object TypeLists the object type
CountProvides a total of the number of objects found for that object type
View ObjectsShows a list of the objects found in that object type
AddAdds the objects definitions to the App Designer project
Add/Delete rows (button)Adds and/or delete rows


The log can be viewed to review dependencies and the tree structure of how all the objects reference each other.

An example of the type of log the Object Dependency Tool might generate