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GT eForms Release Schedule

This document gives a schedule of past Service Packs or Feature Releases and a schedule of anticipated future releases.

Past Releases

April 2020Feature Release: GT eForms 3.30.00
May 2020Ad Hoc Service Pack 3.30.01
May 2020Ad Hoc Service Pack 3.30.02
August 2020Scheduled Service Pack 3.30.03
February 2021Ad Hoc Service Pack 3.30.04
March 2022Feature Release: GT eForms 3.50.00
August 2022Scheduled Service Pack 3.50.01
January 2023Feature Release: GT eForms 3.58.00
May 2023Ad Hoc Service Pack 3.58.01
August 2023Scheduled Service Pack 3.58.02
January 2024Ad Hoc Service Pack 3.58.03
December 2024Scheduled Service Pack 3.58.04

Upcoming Releases

Jan – Jun 2025Ad Hoc Service Packs as needed
July 2025Scheduled Feature Release
Sept – Oct 2025Ad Hoc Service Packs as needed
December 2025Scheduled Service Pack Release


Product Release (2.x → 3.x):

A comprehensive refactoring of the product. Changes here would affect the highest level of product functionality. The release would involve a complete build release and packages major advances in functionality. These may occur once in several years.

Feature Release (3.00 → 3.10):

Significant new features and functionality are built into new feature releases. This involves major additions to the Framework and may involve rewrites to current features. The release would involve a complete build and an incremental build for the next previous version. Only one-version incremental upgrades are supported. Typically release once every 12 to 18 months.

Service Pack (3.10.01 → 3.10.02):

Stability updates and minor feature enhancements. Service Packs bundle patches into the main code line and typically include documentation updates. Service Packs typically release every 3 months,sometime more frequently.

Issue Patch (GTxxxx):

Resolution for a reported issue or implementation of a minor enhancement. Released as a one-off patch that can be applied as needed to the version that it was created on. Documentation is ad hoc as is testing. Patches are delivered based on need and availability as is.


All code modifications are delivered as PeopleSoft projects and data extracts or SQL updates. Full documentation is delivered as available and may be delayed until sometime after the release of the features. Product releases are only delivered as full product installs and compatibility with previous or future versions is not supported. Feature and Service Pack Releases are delivered as full product installs and incremental installs to the single release prior. Migration paths for solutions are supported as part of the release for a single version. Patches are delivered ad hoc. They are tested and documented as part of the Service Pack or Feature release with which they are included.