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Other Tools and Options

Learn about other tools in the eForms Framework and ways to make the most of eForms after they've been deployed.

📄️ Form Type Build

With the introduction of 3.50 Helium comes a new process that enables the 3.50 Helium framework to improve an end user's experience. This process involves moving the time to map out a form’s behavior from running when an end-user opens a form to run the process as the form is developed. Think of it as publishing changes made to the form to be viewed when testing a form. That means a form builder needs to run the Form Build Process whenever changes are made to the form type configuration or code. Please note, this process is only applicable to 3.50 Helium forms and not for 3.50 Standard forms (which is controlled by the Use Helium Performance checkbox on the General tab of Form Setup). A form builder can choose how and when this Form Build Process is run. This document will review the two main places where the forms can be built. The first is on the General Tab in Form Setup. The second is on the Form Type Build page.