📄️ GT Action Center Setup Tips
The GT Action Center is a supplementary interface that enables eForm approvers to approve bulk form actions for forms in a Pending status.
📄️ GT Action Center User Reference
The GT Action Center enables eForm approvers to approve bulk form actions for forms in a Pending status. GT eForm Approvers can use the GT Action Center to view all the forms they would normally see on their worklist, with the added benefit of filtering and performing bulk actions, like adding comments or approving many forms at once. Since the GT Action Center is related to the worklist, worklist notifications must be set up on your form to have forms appear in the GT Action Center.
📄️ GT Analytics
GT Analytics™ provides a simple way to monitor the workflow queues associated with eForms. This powerful tool searches eForms based on criteria such as form type and status, date ranges, participants, etc. and shows summary charts and eForm details of the search results. Charts give a visual picture of your automated processes, with graphical comparisons to the broader organization.
📄️ GT Batch Form Processing
The Batch Tool is a Bolt-On to GT eForms that allows users to submit multiple eForms rapidly in batches. This document outlines the following: