GT Action Center User Reference
The GT Action Center enables eForm approvers to approve bulk form actions for forms in a Pending status. GT eForm Approvers can use the GT Action Center to view all the forms they would normally see on their worklist, with the added benefit of filtering and performing bulk actions, like adding comments or approving many forms at once. Since the GT Action Center is related to the worklist, worklist notifications must be set up on your form to have forms appear in the GT Action Center.
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Action Center
Feature | Use |
Page Title | Defaults to Action Center. Use Message Catalog Text to customize title. |
Page Display Headings | Displays User ID of the current user |
Step Instructions | Text describing the functionality of this page, in general. |
Filter List | Allows the user to filter the forms to be reviewed |
Forms | Displays the forms returned by the filter above |
Comments | Allows text entry for the purpose of adding bulk comments |
Actions | Displays form actions available to perform on forms returned by the filter |
Forms Needing Action | Displays a summary of the forms returned by the filter and allows for selective action on each form. |
Filter List
The Filter List group box allows the user to filter the forms to be reviewed. The delivered GT Action Center allows filtering based on form type.
Feature | Use |
Operator (Dropdown) | Used to define the logic for the filter. Defaults to Equal. |
Form Type (or other filter criteria) | Field used for the filter. |
Apply (Button) | Fetches all pending forms form the form type specified |
Clear (Button) | Resets the filter field to its default values. |
The Forms group box offers an at-a-glance summary of available forms.
Feature | Use |
Filtered | Of the total pending forms for the user, “Filtered” indicates the number of forms returned by the filter |
Displayed | Indicates the number of forms displayed in the Forms Needing Action area in last section of the Action Center |
Selected | Of the total filtered forms available, “Selected” indicates the number of forms selected for bulk action |
The Comments group box allows users to configure a comment which will appear on all forms to which a bulk action applies. For example, a user may want to add a comment that “this form was approved as part of a bulk approval action.” This allows plain text entry. This is a CLOB field type, which supports very long text entry.
The Actions group box displays actions available to perform on forms returned by the filter. Note that many of the actions taken in this group box will be reflected in the Forms Needing Action area in the section below.
Feature | Use |
Refresh Log (Button) | Refreshes the filter results |
Select All | Selects all forms for bulk action |
Clear Selections | Deselects all selected forms |
Form Action (Dropdown) | Indicates the Form Actions available for bulk action. Use the dropdown arrow to view and select an action. As delivered, only the Approve and Deny actions are available. Note: the value selected here may be applied to all filtered forms. |
Set Action on Selected eForms | Updates the intended Form Action for all forms that have been selected |
Submit All | Executes the Form Action for all selected forms. Note: prior to executing the forms, the user will see several warning messages. The delivered messages include: 1) Are you sure you want to act on multiple items? (24845, 4) 2) Forms were submitted for next approver if there is one (24845,5) 3) Approved Forms: 8830, 8831, 8832 (24845, 28) Note: The Submit All button also appears at the bottom of the page, underneath the 'Forms Needing Action' area. |
Forms Needing Action
The 'Forms Needing Action' group box displays a customizable summary of information for all forms returned by the filter and provides the opportunity to act on a list of individual forms in rapid succession.
Feature | Use |
Form Label | Displays the form ID and form description |
Form Summary | By default, this box will include form data that is consistent across all forms, such as form ID, type, condition, status, original operator, original date, last operator date and last date. |
Selected (Checkbox) | Indicates that a form is selected for bulk action. If the selected checkbox is inactive, then this form is no longer actionable. |
Action (Dropdown) | Dropdown indicates the Form Actions available for this form and value selected only applies to selected form. As delivered, only the Approve and Deny actions are available. |
Evaluate (Button) | Opens a new window if user would prefer to approve using the Evaluate task |
More Info (Button) | This opens a modal window to provide additional details about a selected form. By default, this box will include form data that is consistent across all forms, such as form ID, type, condition, status, original operator, original date, last operator date and last date. |
Submit (Button) | Executes the selected form, based on the chosen Form Action. If the Submit button is greyed out, then this form is no longer actionable. |