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Historical Release Notes

Find release notes for past releases of GT eForms.

๐Ÿ“„๏ธ 3.30.00 Release Notes

The whole team has been working hard to get a lot of requested fixes and enhancements added into this release, as well as a few things weโ€™ve been itching to add ourselves. This release is especially loaded with new and updated tools (Deployment Tool, Search Sets, Email Tool, Admin Tool Security) as well as features to enhance your form building abilities (updates to attachment functionality, new field types, tokens to allow for outside approvers, multi-language support, etc.)

๐Ÿ“„๏ธ 3.58.00 Release Notes

GT eForms 3.58 is jam-packed with exciting new features. A primary objective for GT eForms has been to empower business analysts to automate business processes using robust, dynamic, and workflow-enabled forms. GT eForms 3.58 pushes the line of what business analysts can do using configuration much farther. Several requirements that could only be satisfied by a developer writing code or creating views can now be done with configuration. An exciting example is the ability to configure validations(!) that guide users to provide valid data. On top of that, validation error messages can be surfaced right next to the fields and segments where end users need to resolve issues.

๐Ÿ“„๏ธ 3.58.01 Release Notes

We're excited to see GT eForm features being combined in creative ways to construct enterprise solutions that gather and distribute accurate data to the people and systems that need it. This release provides a variety of small enhancements and fixes for GT eForm features and combinations of features, especially those introduced in 3.58. The diagram below provides an overview of the many incredible features that can be combined to build GT eForms. A word web with some of the biggest features and enhancements from this service pack

๐Ÿ“„๏ธ 3.58.02 Release Notes

3.58.02 provides exciting efficiency improvements to the form build process and grid data loading. It makes us smile to know more and more customers are creating forms using Helium Performance and leveraging the game-changing configuration features released in 3.58.00. We hope the fixes and performance improvements included in this release enhance your form building experience. The diagram below provides an overview of the different areas improved by the latest release of GT eForms with the number of fixes/enhancements pertaining to each area.

๐Ÿ“„๏ธ 3.58.03 Release Notes

The 3.58.03 service pack continues to provide fixes that enhance the stability of GT eForms as well as provide small enhancements. Such enhancements include the introduction of a web service for the GT Form Transporter, a streamlined Permission List Version History, and many more. Additionally, a noteworthy fix included in this release is we have identified and fixed the cause of data integrity errors that sometimes occur when using multi-field prompts on a GT eForm. We hope the fixes and performance improvements included in this release enhance your form-building experience.