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GT eForms 3.58.02 Release Notes

3.58.02 provides exciting efficiency improvements to the form build process and grid data loading. It makes us smile to know more and more customers are creating forms using Helium Performance and leveraging the game-changing configuration features released in 3.58.00. We hope the fixes and performance improvements included in this release enhance your form building experience. The diagram below provides an overview of the different areas improved by the latest release of GT eForms with the number of fixes/enhancements pertaining to each area.

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Service Pack Overview

There are 9 small enhancements and 42 issue fixes in this 3.58.02 service pack. It encompasses GT eForms product work completed since the release of 3.58.01 in June 2023.

This service pack must be applied on top of 3.58.00. If you are on a release prior to 3.58.00, you will need to upgrade to 3.58.00 first. Please plan to apply this upgrade and test your forms in a development and test environment prior to moving to production. It is not necessary to apply 3.58.01 before applying 3.58.02, as it is cumulative and includes all the fixes and enhancements from 3.58.01. For information about the 3.58.01 release, see the release notes located here:

More > Release Notes > Historical > 3.58.01 Release Notes

The upgrade package and instructions are located here:

Online GT Library > Documents > Framework Updates > 3.x > R3.58.02

Contact with any questions. We are here to help!

Service Pack Details

As we shared in our last email update, release notes 2023145, 2023115, 2023121, 2023127 are important issue fixes and enhancements to be aware of.

These release notes are also stored in a spreadsheet format to support sorting and filtering:
Customer Self-Service > Documents > Documentation > Latest Release Notes > 3.58.02 Service Pack Release Notes.xlsx

The table below has details of the enhancements and issues resolved.

Release Note Legend

Type: Enhancement or Issue

The type is either enhancement or issue.

Impact: Functional, Technical, Sys Admin

Impact pertains to who would likely encounter the issue or do work that would be most impacted by the issue/enhancement.

If an issue/enhancement involves configuration, it's Functional.

If an issue/enhancement involves code or other App Designer work, it's Technical.

If an issue/enhancement involves applying of an upgrade package or system maintenance, it's Sys Admin.

Area: Form, Form Setup, Utility, etc.

The area of the product refers to the area of the product the enhancement or issue most affects. Form refers to the end-user experience using the form. Form Setup refers to the configuration of a form type.
Release NumberSummaryDetails and Link to view screenshots if applicable




2023115 (GTC-4804)Only alert the user about required fields when leaving a page, not when a field is changed3.58.00 introduced the ability to alert the user that a field is required after the field is blanked out. While this is a common behavior in web applications, it is not a pattern used in PeopleSoft. Due to challenges with training and maintaining the functionality, especially when fields are blanked out as a result of data propagation, we have decided to revert back to PeopleSoft standard behavior and only alert users that fields are required when they attempt to navigate away from a page.
2023123 (GTC-4825)Improved the versatility of the Email ToolMade it possible to use the Email Tool outside of the context of the delivered Email Tool page
2023156 (GTC-4887)Change instructional text fields on pages, segments, and fields to display as HTMLThis enhancement resolves JavaScript errors around images that appeared because of Oracle's implementation of CKEditor V5 in PeopleTools 8.59.16/8.60.04. Recent solutions required users to reupload images contained in instructional text fields, but this enhancement makes that unnecessary. Images and emojis in rich text fields now work throughout the form even if they were uploaded prior to the CKEditor upgrade.

Form Setup

2023134 (GTC-4787)Added a warning message about creating custom attachment URLs and File Extension ListsAdded a message to the Attachment URL settings in Form Setup to warn users that custom PeopleSoft Attachment URLs and PeopleSoft File Extensions don't move with a form via the Form Transporter



2023116 (GTC-4784)Improved consistency in Segment Solution EventsUpdated the PreNav, PostNav, Paint, and SavePreChange hook patterns to consistently support the new Helium convention of not including the suffix "Hook" at the end of the method name. The hook suffix convention still works for backwards compatibility.
Note: If both methods exist in solution code, only the Helium version without the hook suffix is called.
2023121 (GTC-4814)Generic Hooks: Register a hook to fire when any fields changeThis release introduces a new hook pattern that allows developers to register a single hook (method) to fire when a set of fields change. The trigger scope can be set to any field on the form, any field in one or more record tags, an explicit set of fields, or all fields except those specified.
2023141 (GTC-3950)Created a new API method to show validation results in the header of a custom/config segmentCreated the G3FRM.segmentError method that allows developers to display error messages on either configured or custom segments
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2023155 (GTC-4782)Improved grid performanceImproved performance for loading grids that affects grids referencing rowset-based SmartSources and grids performing dynamic data propagation. Also implemented a new API pattern for efficiently loading grid data using PPC.


2023148 (GTC-4856)Allow users to specify parameters for System Maintenance processesAdded the ability for users to enter a parameter value to specify the scope for certain processes run through the System Maintenance page in GT eForms
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Issue Fixes



2023111 (GTC-4789)Hidden required fields prevent users from advancing on formsFixed an issue that caused some required fields to be enforced even though they were hidden
2023119 (GTC-4828)Transporter Complete form throws error: "Fetching array element 1: index is not in range 1 to 0"Removed unused code from the G3COMPLETE form type that would have displayed a comparison report, which resulted in an error message: "Fetching array element 1: index is not in range 1 to 0"
2023122 (GTC-4834)Link form fields only work onceFixed an issue with link form fields only working the first time they were clicked and failing to work with subsequent clicks
2023125 (GTC-4867)Thinktime PeopleCode event (Warning)Fixed an issue that was causing some users to receive a warning message when they changed a field that had other fields dependent on it. The warning message read: "Thinktime PeopleCode event (Warning), but a SQL update has occurred in the commit interval."
2023128 (GTC-4868)Resubmit button showing instead of Submit buttonFixed an issue that caused the Resubmit button to appear in place of the Submit button on the Update task of forms that use the SaveOnNext code pattern
2023131 (GTC-4872)"G3DEP:Node areParentsValid" errorFixed an issue that caused errors when users took action on a form from the Form Admin Tool or somewhere other than one of the form tasks. Errors included reference to"G3DEP:Node areParentsValid"
2023143 (GTC-4835)Date field prompts cause SQL errorFixed an issue that caused a SQL error when a user configured a prompt on a Date field
2023144 (GTC-4877)Form ID and Form Status disappear from the header after closing a modal windowFixed an issue where the Form ID and status would disappear from the Form header when the custom modal code pattern was used. A new V2 version of the modal code pattern has been created to address this issue and should be used going forward when developing a modal popup for an eForm.
2023146 (GTC-4824)"Built-in function Round parameter 1 is invalid" errorFixed an issue that produced an error message "Built-in function Round parameter 1 is invalid" when a user toggled the version history slider between "Current Values" and "Initial Values" on the Evaluate Task
2023147 (GTC-4855)Prompt/Dropdowns key values are limited to 30 characters but should be 100 (standard forms only)Fixed an issue that limited prompt/dropdown fields to 30 characters and restored the limit to the intended 100 characters. This issue and fix only affect standard form types.
2023151 (GTC-4881)Inactive form types still allow form submissionFixed an issue that enabled users to submit form transactions for inactive form types via custom form links
2023153 (GTC-4886)Form search automatically capitalizes user entry, misses resultsFixed an issue with form searches automatically capitalizing all the letters in a user-entered search value that caused it to leave out results with lowercase values
2023160 (GTC-4885)Form throws error with complex grid dependenciesFixed an issue with grid segments that caused a form to throw errors when a smartsource dependent on one grid controlled visibility of another grid. The error read: "Fetching array element 2: index is not in range 1 to 1" (uncommon scenario)

Form Setup

2023112 (GTC-4790)"Read-Only" and "Required" settings on enable row insert/delete are ineffective in grid segmentsRemoved the "read-only" and "required" options from the Segment Field Configuration menu for + (insert row) and - (delete row) buttons in grid segments
2023118 (GTC-4821)Insert and Delete buttons appear in Deferred Mode setup pageRemoved G3ROWINS and G3ROWDEL buttons from the Deferred Mode setup page. These are the buttons that allow a user to insert and delete a row from a grid segment and the deferred capability doesn't apply to them.
2023124 (GTC-4851)Form Build Status mistakenly reads "build needed"Fixed an issue where a form type's build status would incorrectly switch to "build needed" when a user built a different form type
2023129 (GTC-4839)Query Records get renamed when users click "Sync Structure"If a user configured a custom Query Record in App Designer and applied it to a form with existing Query Records, the system would not drop the custom record before rebuilding it, thus copying and renaming it in order to avoid "reusing" the same name twice. With this fix, the system now correctly drops new Query Records as part of the sync process in order to correctly rebuild them with the same name.
2023132 (GTC-4819)Classic form style is not supported for Helium forms but it can be configured that wayWhen a user attempted to use a Helium for with the form style set to Classic, it resulted in this error: "First operand of. is NULL, so cannot access member getEntity." Added code to prevent form builders from changing a form style to Classic when the form has Helium Performance activated, as the Classic style isn't supported with Helium Performance.
2023135 (GTC-4838)SmartSources and Visual If Parts outside the Application Package Hierarchy are not available in Standard FormsGT eForms 3.50+ requires that solution PPC SmartSource and Visual If Parts be coded in the form application package hierarchy in order to make them available to use in a Helium form. While this pattern is recommended for Standard forms, the requirement should only be enforced for Helium forms. This fix reverts Standard forms to have access to PPC SmartSources and Visual If parts that exist in any application package.
2023142 (GTC-4630)Incorrect bind values in Defined Query RostersFixed an issue with Defined Query Rosters that caused a Query Record to retain any prompts previously configured in a query even if the user changed the prompts in Query Manager
2023145 (GTC-4871)Form build performance is slow when there are several pagesAs clients have used new 3.58.00 and 3.58.01 features, we have found that forms with several pages and/or many visual ifs are experiencing long build times. This fix optimizes the form build to improve performance.
We have also introduced an innovative way to run form build tasks in parallel that improve form build performance even further. This is intended specifically for clients with exceptionally large forms containing numerous pages and fields. The parallel form build capability requires additional setup and clients who are interested in applying it should contact
2023150 (GTC-4880)Users can create a Search Set with the same name as an existing Form FamilyCreated an error message that prevents users from creating a Search Set or Form Family with the same name as another existing Search Set or Family
2023152 (GTC-4875)Text is abnormally large in the navigation button override menuFixed an issue with the navigation button override window that caused some text to appear larger than normal
2023154 (GTC-4866)Deleting a table/query from the Data Pool does not remove associated dataFixed an issue with the data pool in which deleting a record or query name from the Data Pool did not result in the deletion of associated key fields, custom SQL, or additional binds
2023157 (GTC-4889)Pages and fields changed or missing after form migration via Form TransporterFixed an issue where some elements would not get transported correctly via the Form Transporter, occasionally resulting in the duplication, renaming, or unexpected deletion of form pages or fields after importing a form
2023159 (GTC-4818)Query Record sync process is leaving out Helium form transactionsFixed an issue that caused the Query Record sync process to leave out some Helium form transactions when run via the Process Scheduler
2023165 (GTC-4915)Made Form Style field required in Form SetupMade the Form Style field in the Pages tab of Form Setup a required field to prevent users from creating and saving a form type without setting a form style, which results in errors


2023120 (GTC-4808)"Load Parts on Import" checkbox label is unspecificUpdated the label for the "Load Parts on Import" checkbox on the Form Transporter Utilities page to specify that it only applies to Standard form types


2023109 (GTC-4786)Inefficiency with G3IMPORT Form TypeAltered the process by which the G3IMPORT Form Type generated and used a compare report to import a form. This makes the Import form more efficient.
2023136 (GTC-3437)Form Admin Tool security doesn't refresh on clicking "Next" and "Previous" buttonsFixed an issue in which the Form Admin Tool page failed to refresh fully when users clicked “Next in list” or “Previous in list” when users had specific Form Admin Tool Security configured for individual form types (uncommon scenario)
2023138 (GTC-4863)When multiple email notifications are configured for the same step, only the first one is sentFixed an issue with email templates the caused the system to only reference one email template even when multiple were configured for the same Approval Step
2023139 (GTC-4570)"Assumed property G3COMMENTS_DRV" error fires when instantiating a form programmaticallyThis fix resolves an error that was appearing when a user instantiated a form and/or added a comment via a form utility such as the Form Admin Tool, Action Center, or Batch Tool. The error read: "Assumed property G3COMMENTS_DRV is not a valid record name."
2023149 (GTC-4876)"Prompt table's record definition not found" error on Deployment ToolFixed an issue with the Deploy Tool that caused it to produce an error "Prompt's table record definition not found" when a user searched for a family or search set.
2023158 (GTC-4893)Navigation button overrides not moving with Form TransporterFixed an issue that caused form type navigation button override settings to not get moved with the Form Transporter
2023161 (GTC-4901)"Failed to create the portal link to the form" error in deploy toolFixed an issue with the Deploy Tool that caused it to produce an error "Failed to create the portal link to the form" claiming that the content reference already existed even though it wasn't deployed


2023113 (GTC-4794)Error when using PeopleSoft Auto-Approval on steps requiring multiple approversUsers can enable auto-approvals with GT eForms either through GT Auto Approvals or PeopleSoft's own AWE auto-approvals. This fix resolved an error that appeared when users allowed PeopleSoft AWE auto-approval on an approval step containing multiple approvers. Error text: "Trying to approve additional pending steps for Approvers who have already approved is failing. The pending step count is not decreasing."
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2023126 (GTC-4700)Forms not routing to the last user in a roster group configured using an intersectFixed an issue with a roster group that uses an Intersect option. It was excluding the last user in the second list.

Sys Admin


2023110 (GTC-4795)Date fields formatting incorrectly in Microsoft SQL ServerUpdated G3FORMKEY_VW sql to display date fields more consistently in SQL Server


2023108 (GTC-4779)SQL Table Names defined in the Application Designer that are not blank and not the same as the Record Name' audit errorsFixed an issue causing an error that stated: "SQL Table Names defined in the Application Designer that are not blank and not the same as the Record Name" on audit reports



2023114 (GTC-4778)eForm CI method valuesMatch conflicts with PeopleTools function isNumberFixed a compatibility issue with the valuesMatch CI method and the built-in PeopleTools function isNumber, which mistakenly compared string values as numbers in specific scenarios. With this fix, those values will be compared as strings.
2023127 (GTC-4874)DeleteRow hook not firingFixed an issue that was preventing the new RowsetEvents.DeleteRow hook from firing because a framework setup table was missing an entry. Note: The prior SegmentEvents.DeleteRowHook pattern has continued to work.
2023133 (GTC-4865)Setting form values from an OnStepActivate hook was throwing an errorThis resolves an error that fires in the Admin Tool when a form uses a workflow OnStepActivate hook to set a form field value (uncommon scenario)
2023164 (GTC-4900)Grid segment CSS class applied to the wrong page elementFixed an issue with grid segment HTML that affected the way developers applied styling to grid segments, limiting the styling to only the segment header/instructions instead of the entire segment


2023130 (GTC-4864)Debug Log missing dataFixed an issue with the reference to &G3DBG in G3ROSTER:RosterType:DefinedRoster, which would set the global debug flag to false. This meant that in instances where a Defined Roster was used, nothing following the Defined Roster would be logged in the debug log.


Functional Documents

New Documents

DocumentLocationApplicable to Versions Starting With
GT eForms Field PropertiesGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Setup3.30.04

Updated Documents

DocumentLocationApplies to Version Starting WithChanges Made
3.5X Helium Functional ReferenceGT eForms Feature Documentation > More3.58.02Added notes about minimum rowcounts affecting query result row quantities
Permission Lists and RolesGT eForms Feature Documents > More > Security3.58.02Added notes about running queries to find security permissions and removed Spreadsheet
Form Setup - General TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Setup3.58.02Updated with info about Parallel Traversal Processing
Form Installation TableGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup3.58.02Updated with info about Parallel Form Build checkbox

Technical Document Changes

Updated Documents

DocumentLocationApplies to Version Starting WithChanges Made
3.5X Helium Tech ReferenceGT eForms Feature Documentation > More3.58.02Updated references to G3FORM:TAGS:RowsetTag
GT Modal Component UtilityGT eForms Feature Documentation > TNT > Technical > GT Modal Component Utility3.58.02Added notes about new reference to the G3MODAL_WRK record replacing reference to G3FORM_WRK
System MaintenanceGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Technical Setup3.58.02Updated with info about Parameter Value field


2023113 (GTC-4794) Error when using PeopleSoft Auto-Approval on steps requiring multiple approvers

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2023141 (GTC-3950) Created a new API method to show validation results in the header of a custom/config segment

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2023148 (GTC-4856) Allow users to specify parameters for System Maintenance processes

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