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GT eForms 3.58.01 Release Notes

We're excited to see GT eForm features being combined in creative ways to construct enterprise solutions that gather and distribute accurate data to the people and systems that need it. This release provides a variety of small enhancements and fixes for GT eForm features and combinations of features, especially those introduced in 3.58. The diagram below provides an overview of the many incredible features that can be combined to build GT eForms. A word web with some of the biggest features and enhancements from this service pack

Service Pack Overview

There are 16 small enhancements and 82 issue fixes in this 3.58.01 service pack. It encompasses GT eForms product work completed since the release of 3.58.00 in January 2023.

This service pack must be applied on top of 3.58.00. If you are on a release prior to 3.58.00, you will need to upgrade to 3.58.00 first. Please plan to apply this upgrade and test your forms in a development and test environment prior to moving to production.

The upgrade package and instructions are located here:

Online GT Library > Documents > Framework Updates > 3.x > R3.58.01

Contact with any questions. We are here to help!

Service Pack Details

As we shared in our last email update, issue fixes 2023057, 2023048, 2023080 are important to be aware of.

These release notes are also stored in a spreadsheet format to support sorting and filtering:
Customer Self-Service > Documents > Documentation > Release Notes > Historical > 3.58.01 GT eForms Feature Release Notes.xlsx

The table below has details of the enhancements and issues resolved.

Release Note Legend

Type: Enhancement or Issue

The type is either enhancement or issue.

Impact: Functional, Technical, Sys Admin

Impact pertains to who would likely encounter the issue or do work that would be most impacted by the issue/enhancement.

If an issue/enhancement involves configuration, it's Functional.

If an issue/enhancement involves code or other App Designer work, it's Technical.

If an issue/enhancement involves applying of an upgrade package or system maintenance, it's Sys Admin.

Area: Form, Form Setup, Utility, etc.

The area of the product refers to the area of the product the enhancement or issue most affects. Form refers to the end-user experience using the form. Form Setup refers to the configuration of a form type.
Release NumberSummaryDetails / Link to view screenshots if applicable




2023030 (GTC-4038)Add configured segments to an Ad Hoc pageAdded the ability to put configured segments on the Fluid Ad Hoc page
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2023041 (GTC-4126)Attachment Engine UpdateImproves the reliability and maintainability of form file attachments
2023059 (GTC-4063)Save and Reuse Form SearchesAdded the ability to save and load form searches based on user, form family, and form task in any task where search configuration is configured
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2023062 (GTC-4214)Use LogicStacks to satisfy binds in Defined RostersAdded the ability to use a LogicStack to satisfy a bind in Defined Rosters
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2023067 (GTC-2814)Add Form Status to Form HeaderEnhanced eForms using Helium Performance to display the form’s status in the form header on all tasks
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2023068 (GTC-4147)New Delivered PPC SmartSources for Current Action and First Pending Workflow StepIntroduced new delivered PPC SmartSources for Current Action and First Pending Workflow Step
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Form Setup

2023009 (GTC-4104)Added Navigation Button Defaults helper linkAdded a link to the Form Pages Setup that opens the Navigation Button Defaults page in a new window
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2023016 (GTC-4157)Show Form Type Build Option on Form Type Build pageAdded an informational message on the Form Type Build page to show which Form Build Option has been selected for the Form Type and a link to the Form Setup in case the form builder wants to edit the build option
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2023019 (GTC-3919)Visual improvements to the Validation Setup pageMade various style and visual improvements to the Validation Setup page for appeal and flow
2023031 (GTC-4219)Form Build Performance ImprovementEnabled BulkMode to improve performance on Form Builds


2023078 (GTC-4704)Add ability to disable generating SmartSources and GS Records/Fields when importing a form in the TransporterThe need for this addition is very uncommon. A new checkbox that says "Build SmartSources and GS Records/Fields on Import" was added to the Transporter Setup page. If there is an issue importing an eForm, unchecking this checkbox will disable generating the form SmartSources and GS Records/Fields. The Data Management page can then be used to generate the objects with better logging. This checkbox affects both Helium and Standard forms.


2023029 (GTC-4128)Form Build Utility to build multiple Helium Form Types at a timeCreated a utility that allows users to build multiple Helium Form Types at once. This will make it easier to rebuild all form types after upgrading GT eForms.
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2023102 (GTC-4754)Enhanced GT eForms to be more compatible with AWE Dynamic Path/Step workflowsMade it possible to use AWE Dynamic Path/Step workflows with GT eForms. We do not guarantee that all of our delivered setup will be compatible, but it's possible now.

Sys Admin


2023066 (GTC-4674)Add option to the Mass Resubmit Workflow Tool to run via the process monitorThis enhancement updates the Mass Resubmit utility with the ability to run via the process scheduler to allow processing more forms. This utility (Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > Workflow Tools (Beta)) is used to batch resubmit all pending eForms for a specified Form Type. This is most often used after a form type's AWE workflow has changed to get all pending eForms to use the latest workflow.
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2023079 (GTC-4611)System Maintenance UtilityThis utility will be used to run product update and various administrative processes. The first process delivered as part of this utility is a process to build GT delivered Visual If Parts and SmartSources. With this process, the Load Custom Parts process is deprecated to only being used on Standard forms. Future product updates will include additional processes.


Form API

2023069 (GTC-4151)Setting a field in FormInit (hook) that is used in an Action Item or Attachment visualif is not showing the action items and attachments in the formIn order for an Action Item, Attachment, or other custom segment visual if to show correctly on form load based on a field that is prepopulated from code, added a new event called FormInitPropagate. This fires after FormInit and doesn’t set contextIndependent to true. That way setting a field in FormInitPropagate will trigger all the downstream hooks and data propagation, such as reloading the custom segment data. See below for sample solution code to set a Job Code field to equal “1” when the form is initialized.
Example Code
method FormInitPropagate
If &G3FRM.Task = "ADD" Then

Issue Fixes



2023032 (GTC-4527)Updated SQL to work with SQLServerFixed this error "'TO_CHAR' is not a recognized built-in function name" when using a form running in SQL Server


2022061 (GTC-4118)"Loop detected" errorsThe intent of a "loop detected" error is to communicate an infinite loop exists in configuration or code and prevent looping indefinitely. This release resolves issues with those errors firing even when there isn't a loop in configuration or code. The errors were primarily firing around fields involved in a grid field lookup.
2023010 (GTC-4225)Multiple Approvers link doesn't appear on Results page for Standard formsFixed an issue where the multiple approvers (AweVisualizer) segment did not appear on the results page on Standard forms
2023012 (GTC-4201)Fields not deferred when they should beFixed an issue where if a form was created prior to 3.50.00 and converted to Helium, some fields that should have been set to deferred mode were not. (Deferred mode prevents a form from re-loading every time a field value changes. If deferred mode is turned off, a spinner pops up on the page after changing the field.)
2023018 (GTC-3811)Help form users understand when form validation messages will be removedAdded a note to the end of some error messages to notify users that the errors will be resolved after the user leaves the page
2023020 (GTC-4067)"insertBefore" JavaScript errorFixed an issue that produced an "insertBefore" JavaScript error when navigating to a form from a link other than the standard homepage tile (Classic WorkCenter, email link, worklist link, URL)
2023028 (GTC-4124)Fixed Fluid Grid Segment Stacking on MobileGT eForms uses PeopleSoft Fluid's ability to respond to the form factor of a device. Because grid segments are a horizontal page element, we stack those fields to make them more visible and appealling on smaller devices (like mobile phones.)
With this release we fixed an issue that was preventing grid fields from stacking on small form factor devices.
2023035 (GTC-4144)Error clicking on configured buttons on the History page for Standard formsClicking a configured button on the History Page on a Standard form (with Helium Performance unchecked) produces an error: "The Form object's .record method is not supported until you are using the Helium release or greater."
2023037 (GTC-4587)Standard Form Type error: "Branch is using DP Query Source"Resolved an error on Standard Forms that stated: "Branch is using DP Query Source"
2023042 (GTC-4618)Current Page Number SmartSource doesn't update after page changesFixed the "Current Page" SmartSource to update as users navigate through a Helium form
2023046 (GTC-4119)Improvements and adjustments to form AttachmentsFixed a variety of issues affecting deeper capabilities within attachment functionality
2023048 (GTC-4228)Helium Form Engine RefactorGT eForms 3.58 included several significant configuration capabilities including a new validation engine and grid data loading. This introduced new requirements and designs around how data should be propagated between form fields, data pool fields, and code, especially when validations are involved. This refactor resolves several issues and improves the consistency and reliability around the propagation of data. This fix can only be applied by upgrading to the 3.58.01 service pack. Example scenarios that are resolved by this fix:
• "Loop detected" errors
• Chains of initializing and updating data
• Using PPC to flush and load values to a grid
• Cascading lookups where one lookup field is a key in the datapool source for a second lookup field
2023052 (GTC-4669)Logic overlap between Initializing and Updating grid dataRefined code to more effectively define differences between "Initialize" and "Update When the Source Changes" as they affect grid data-loading behavior
2023055 (GTC-4682)Custom loads incorrectly populating multiple grid rows with the same valueFixed an issue that caused some custom loads to incorrectly populate multiple rows in a grid segment with the same value
2023063 (GTC-4602)Network Visualizer color improvementsMade visual improvements to the Network Visualizer utility by changing the colors of node types and giving thicker borders to grid-related (repeat) nodes
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2023073 (GTC-4679)Configured Validation not displaying on field changeFixed an issue that prevented some configured validation messages from displaying immediately when a field is changed
2023080 (GTC-4695)Rich Text/CKEditor v5 Updates for PeopleTools 8.59.16/8.60.04+Oracle uses CKEditor as its rich text editor in PeopleSoft. GT eForms uses this editor in its Form Setup to add instructional and email rich text. With PeopleTools 8.59.16/8.60.04+, Oracle updated CKEditor to use a more current version 5 of the library. Oracle's implementation of v5 does not include all the options that were available in v4. An example of a difference from v4 is clients were able to add instructional text to a GT eForm with a link to additional information that opens in a new browser tab. This is not an option in Oracle's implementation of the v5 library. This fix includes a new v5 configuration that includes as many of the v4 features as are available in the v5 implementation. A workaround is to use the HTML Source option on the toolbar to modify the HTML until Oracle provides the options that were available in v4. This does not affect rich text fields that a user fills out in a Fluid eForm because the Quill rich text editor is used there.

Clients interested in learning more about the differences between v4 and v5 may contact GT Support and request access to the "RichTextEditor for PeopleTools 8.59.16 8.60.04+ (2023080)" document.
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2023085 (GTC-4673)"Enable Highlights" incorrectly highlighting unchanged grid segment rowsFixed an issue that was causing grid rows to highlight when they were not supposed to when the "Enable Highlighting" checkbox was checked in Form Setup
2023086 (GTC-4720)"Fetching array element 0" error fires when loading data to a grid that has validations and validations are configured to show in a pop-upFixed an issue that was causing this error when loading data to a grid with a configured validation and the form validations showing in a pop-up (as opposed to on-page): "Fetching array element 0: index is not in range ... Name:getRowValueBlank". With the fix, the validation pop-up shows instead of the error message.
2023098 (GTC-4757)Invalid tile option available to add to the GT eForms HomepageMade the G3FORM_FL_GBL content reference hidden to prevent users from publishing it as a tile on the GT eForms Homepage.
2023107 (GTC-4753)Additional Changes for Helium Form Engine RefactorMade additional changes for the Helium Form Engine Refactor introduced in release 2023048
2023103 (GTC-4766)End users seeing Debug error when they shouldn'tFixed an issue that caused a Debug error to appear for some users who did not have Debugging activated. Error text: "Parameter 1 of method getRowsetTagAsString of object class G3DEBUG:DebugMethods"

Form Setup

2023005 (GTC-4186)Form Report Setup "Get Sample XML" lookup has no search fieldsAdded Form ID as a search field in the "Get Sample XML" button on the Report Setup tab in Form Setup, where there was previously no search fields
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2023007 (GTC-4103)Value List search results include incompatible fieldsChanged the order and logic of the search fields in the Value Lists menu so that only fields with the specified value list type appear in search results
2023008 (GTC-4111)Added Data Pool blank context validation to Additional BindsAdded a validation that prevents users from leaving Data Pool key field contexts blank on Additional Bind fields
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2023011 (GTC-4175)Data Pool sources fail to return results when key values have apostrophesAdded the capability to satisfy Data Pool keys with values containing apostrophes
2023014 (GTC-4194)Data Pool with multiple additional binds doesn't return valuesFixed an issue that was preventing Data Pool sources from returning values when a user configured 2 or more additional binds for the source
2023017 (GTC-2773)Data Pool SmartSources out of sync with Record/QueryFixed an issue where data pool smart sources remained visible in the Smart Source List or showed with label "Invalid Field (Field not in record)" after the corresponding fields were removed from the record or query
2023021 (GTC-4102)Custom nav buttons not saving, not copying to other tasksFixed an issue that was preventing customized Navigation Button settings from saving correctly. Enabled users to copy Navigation Button settings as part of an entire form task to paste in another task.
2023025 (GTC-4134)Value List Setup page missing buttons that are available on the Form Setup Value List pageValue Lists can be modified in a Form Type or directly in the Parts Gallery using the field name. This fix adds some of the buttons that are on the Form Setup Value List page to the Parts Gallery Value List page. The buttons allow copying the field's Long and Short Translate values the value list.
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2023027 (GTC-4129)Removed white space on Validations TabMade visual enhancements to the Validations tab in Form Setup
2023034 (GTC-4533)LogicStack error with Number and Date return typesFine-tuned the return type validation in the LogicStack configuration. This fix will prevent this error from occurring if a form builder creates a LogicStack with a Number or Date type: "First operand of . Is NULL, so cannot access member record."
2023038 (GTC-4114)Custom Segment Setup not loading automaticallyWhen creating a new form, form builders may find that the Custom Segment Settings are blank in the Data Tab of Form Setup. This may be a result of leaving the Form Style blank. We have added logic to default a Form Style to Fluid instead of leaving it blank.
2023039 (GTC-4130)Read-Only/Required/Show options inconsistently orderedFixed an issue that was causing the Read-only, Required, and Show options in the Segment Field Configuration menu to occasionally appear in a different order
2023043 (GTC-4610)Query Records are not syncing forms with blank Number fieldsFixed an issue where Query Records weren't updated with data for forms that had a blank Number field
2023045 (GTC-4198)Invalid options showing in Additional Bind lookupModified the Additional Bind field lookup in the Data Pool to exclude key fields. Key fields are already available to be mapped and can't also be used as additional binds.
2023050 (GTC-4154)Customized SQL in Data Pool producing error messagesFixed some issues with the Customized SQL option in Data Pool setup
2023051 (GTC-4530)Form type builds when clicking "Verify Data Sync" and "Check Structure" in Query Records TabModified the 'Sync Structure,' 'Check Structure.' 'Sync Data,' and 'Verify Data Sync' buttons in the Query Records tab of Form Setup to stop building the form each time a user clicks these buttons even if the Form Build Option is set to 'Build Immediately on Save.' Form types will still save when a user clicks these buttons, but it is important to build the form after making changes to reflect those changes in the Query Record structure.
2023053 (GTC-4677)Data Pool Validations firing on Standard Form TypesAdded a rule that Form Setup validations designed for Helium Form Types don't fire on Standard Form Types
2023060 (GTC-4113)Apply validation to ensure segment record tags and data pool record tags are unique within a formAdded a validation that prevents a user from saving a data pool if the record tag name matches the name of a segment record tag
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2023064 (GTC-4671)LogicStacks SmartSources not working to satisfy additional binds on Data Pool SourcesFixed an issue that prevented LogicStacks from working to satisfy additional binds on a Data Pool record. This issue surfaces as an error stating: "Couldn't resolve VisualIf. It doesn't exist on the Dependency Network."
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2023074 (GTC-4686)Enabling BulkMode on Form Build caused some traversal rows to not be insertedThis resolves an issue with the 2023031 enhancement that enabled bulk-mode
2023075 (GTC-4691)Segment fields not sorted when opening segment in form setupFixed an issue that was causing fields to appear out of sequence in the segment configuration menu of Form Setup
2023081 (GTC-4117)"Set Default Fields and Pages" button in Validations tab of Form Setup is not populating all tasks with referenced Grid fields or promptsFixed an issue preventing the “Set Default Fields and Pages” button in the Validations tab of Form Setup from recognizing some form fields, such as grid fields and prompts
2023082 (GTC-4612)Sync Query Record data for both Helium and Standard formsGave the system the ability to generate query records for both Standard and Helium form transactions when a form type has both. This helps in the case of forms that were built in Standard and later refactored to Helium. Previously, query records would not display information for form transactions generated prior to the Helium refactor. Note: A form type that is in Standard that has form ids that are Helium will not generate query records for the Helium form ids.
2023084 (GTC-4707)"Effective as of Current Date" and "Max Effective Sequence" contexts in the data pool not working consistentlyFixed issue where Helium forms using the context "Effective as of Current Date" and "Max Effective Sequence" for key fields EFFDT and EFFSEQ did not run properly at runtime for forms
2023088 (GTC-4719)Form changes aren't showing up in the Form when building a Form Type using the Process SchedulerRunning a Form Build in the Process Scheduler wasn’t failing when certain exceptions occurred. It was also not showing those exceptions in the build log when running a Form Build in the Process Scheduler or in the user session. This fix resolves both issues.
2023089 (GTC-4718)Form Build Error: Fetching array element 2: index is not in range 1 to 1Prior to this fix, some users experienced Form Build errors containing the statement: "Fetching array element 2: index is not in range 1 to 1." These errors caused the build process to fail. To improve the usefulness of the message and restore build success, we coded it to appear as a warning in the Build Log that instructs users how to resolve the issue.
2023093 (GTC-4730)Relabeled "PeopleSoft Component" page type as "Custom Page"Relabeled the "PeopleSoft Component" option as "Custom Page" in the Page Type dropdown of Form Setup, Page Details
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2023097 (GTC-4726)The Defined Roster Setup page has issues with spacing and layoutMade various style and visual improvements to the Defined Roster Setup page for appeal and flow
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2023099 (GTC-4751)Error message appears when a user adds or deletes a page from a form typeFixed an issue that was causing an error message to appear whenever users added a page to or deleted a page from a form type that had validations configured. The beginning of the error message stated: "Invalid row number [row number] for class Rowset method GetRow"
2023106 (GTC-3327)Active Effective Status not correct in Lookup SQLFixed issue introduced in 3.50 where records added to the data pool that used Effective Status did not automatically filter prompt values to only Active statuses
2023105 (GTC-4763)"No matching buffer found" error on Data PoolFixed an issue that was causing errors when users clicked "Link to Data Pool" in the Data tab of Form Setup. Error text:
"No matching buffer found for level. When retrieving data for a page, a data value was retrieved for which there was no matching data value at a higher level scroll entry."


2023058 (GTC-3998)Form Status Translate Values Incorrect after 3.50 upgradeA client had incorrect translate values for G3FORM_STATUS. This was likely due to missing a 3.3x service pack. Out of an abundance of caution to ensure all clients have the latest translate values, this release includes them all.
2023104 (GTC-4769)Unnecessary Content Reference included in upgrade packageRemoved an unnecessary CREF (content reference) that was included in the 3.58.00 upgrade package


2023057 (GTC-4608)Importing some form types using the Transporter causes issues with navigation buttons and the use of GT delivered partsThe issues were due to the Transporter removing configuration in the Navigation Button Defaults page as well as GT delivered SmartSource and Visual If parts.
See Customer Self-Service>Documents>Documentation>Tips N Tricks>Functional>"Delivered Visual If Definitions.docx" and "Delivered SmartSource Definitions.docx" for a list of GT delivered parts.

Clients interested in learning more about the Transporter import issue may contact GT Support and request access to the "3.58.00 Transporter Import Issue (2023057)" document.
2023070 (GTC-4235)Transporter Log Error when importing a pre-3.50 form to a post-3.50 environmentFixed an error that occured when transporting a form from a pre-3.50.00 environment to a 3.5+ environment. "Firing custom OnNotifyHook event 101124 Form handler failed due to error:Fetching array element 1: index is not in range 1 to 0. (180,252) G3OBJECT_ANALYSIS.ObjectImporter.OnExecute Name:ImportWithManifest PCPC:8396 Statement:95"
2023071 (GTC-4609)Made improvements to the Form Transporter for usability and easier troubleshootingHid the comparison report from the Form Transporter. Users no longer need to review this report when transporting forms.
Also added Original Oprid and Original Date (G3ORIGINAL_OPRID, and G3ORIG_DT) as search fields to make it easier to find forms that users have imported or exported.


2023024 (GTC-4141)Robot Setup Visual If lookup showing Visual Ifs from other form typesTweaked the Visual If lookup in the Role Configuration tab of the Robot Setup tool to provide more pertinent results
2023026 (GTC-4131)Admin Tool Integration Log Clean-upCleaned up the integration log in the Form Admin Tool by removing debug messages starting with this: "Using Find on %This.cidx to find smartsource". Also restored the G3UTILITIES:AttachmentMethods application class for specific client solutions that depended on that code.


2023001 (GTC-3035)Custom AWE Step titles not showing on Form LogWe provide code that allows a developer to create a custom title for an AWE (approval workflow engine) step. This release updates the Form Log segment on the results and history page to use that custom step title.
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2023013 (GTC-4197)Workflow Setup not showing all stagesFixed an issue that stopped the workflow routing in Form Setup from displaying multiple stages after saving and reopening a form type
2023047 (GTC-4125)Transporter not migrating Allowed Auto ApproversFixed an issue that was preventing the Form Transporter from migrating Allowed Auto Approvers from Form Setup
2023100 (GTC-2516)Error message appears when trying to accept a delegation requestFixed an issue causing an error to appear in Fluid Delegations when a user tried to accept a delegation request. The error text started as follows: "Error in G3 OnStepActivate. Step: 1"
2023004 (GTC-4185)Search results missing when Form Type search field usedFixed an issue with a previous search performance enhancement. This issue prevented users from using search operators other than "is Equal To" or "Begins With" when searching for a form by Form Type.
2023022 (GTC-4143)Search Configuration result field limitIntroduced a 20-field limit to the result fields in Search Configuration. Created an error message to warn users once the limit has been reached.
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2023061 (GTC-4156)Clear button in search does not reset search operatorsFixed issue where clicking the “Clear” button on either fluid or classic search pages would clear out the search field value, but would not reset the search field operator like standard PeopleSoft search pages do

Sys Admin


2023003 (GTC-4183)Package build errors for two views in DB2 and SQL ServerUpdated G3ROBOT_CFG_VW sql to be compatible with DB2 and SQL Server and updated G3DP_BND_FLD_VW sql to be compatible with SQL Server

Form Setup

2023002 (GTC-4150)PeopleCode compile error "ErrorDisplay is not a property of class Field" in PeopleTools prior to 8.58Fixed an issue occurring with versions of PeopleTools prior to 8.58 where a user receives the following error when opening a form type from the Form Setup search menu.
"PeopleCode compile error (ErrorDisplay is not a property of class Field)"


2022062 (GTC-4133)SYSAUDIT issues after the 3.58.00 upgradeFixed SYSAUDIT findings from 3.58.00 upgrade
2022063 (GTC-4132)Package build does not build a few recordsAdded view record objects that were not included in the 3.58 package that had the view SQL objects included: G3PMPT_RECA_VW, G3RLTD_DFLD_VW, G3RLTD_RECA_VW and G3SMSRC_LBL_VW
2023054 (GTC-4694)SYSAUDIT issues after the 3.58.00 upgradeAdded 5 objects to the 3.58.01 package that were showing up in the sys audit report if 3.50.01 was not part of the upgrade path. They were in the 3.50.01 service pack but were not included in the 3.58.00 package.



2023015 (GTC-4178)Package build errors for G3DP_BND_FLD_VW on SQLServerUpdated G3DP_BND_FLD_VW sql to be compatible with SQL Server


2023023 (GTC-4142)Links not working in grid segmentsFixed an issue in Helium forms where Link fields didn't work in grid segments
2023049 (GTC-4094)Fields set in FieldInit PPC aren't highlightedFixed an issue where fields populated via the FormInit PPC hook were not showing as highlighted in the form.
Note: Fields that are configured to be initialized from a form, data pool, or PPC smartsource will not be highlighted.

Form API

2023036 (GTC-4580)Beginning of PPC SmartSource names truncatedFixed an issue causing PPC SmartSource names truncate more than just the "SMARTSRC_" prefix
2023040 (GTC-4242)Update modal code pattern to write back to Helium formsGT eForms includes a pattern for opening custom components from within a form and transferring data between the form and the custom component. This fix updates the modal pattern to write back to column and grid fields on Helium forms. There is also an updated document for this pattern here: Customer Self-Service > Documentation > Tips N Tricks > Technical > GTModalComponentUtility.docx
2023044 (GTC-4628)Error instantiating a form with PPCFixed an issue where an "Error resolving default smart source for <Field>" error is encountered when using PPC to instantiate a form that has data pool keys satisfied by search keys
2023065 (GTC-4672)Error using PPC to load data to a hidden gridResolved an issue with the error below showing the 2nd time PPC fires to load data to a hidden grid.
"Invalid row number 1 for class Rowset method GetRow. G3SEG. GFieldGrid.OnExecute Name: PaintRow HE PCPC. 11315 Statement: 178"
2023072 (GTC-4683)Think-time functions in Helium form solution code cause form issuesCalling think-time functions in Helium form solution code interrupts the Helium form engine. MessageBoxes that require a response from the user is a common example of a think-time function. Two new methods have been added that need to be called before and after think-time function calls in solution code to preserve (&G3FRM.preserveRuntimeForm()) and then restore form data (&G3FRM.restoreRuntimeForm()). See Customer Self-Service>Documents>Documentation>Tips N Tricks>Technical>"3.5x Helium Tech Reference.docx" for more information.
2023077 (GTC-4703)Custom Loads not appearing in the Custom Load lookup in the Data Pool setup of standard form typesFixed an issue that prevented custom loads from appearing in the Custom Load lookup field in the data pool setup of standard form types
2023083 (GTC-4693)SaveOnNext Code Pattern causes Duplicate Grid DataThe GT eForms API provides a G3FRM.SaveOnNext boolean that when set to True saves the form every time the user clicks "Next" to go to the next page. This fix resolves an issue when using that feature that resulted in duplicate rows in grids.
2023095 (GTC-4739)Code inefficiencyA JavaScript function was being called more often than it needed to be. Cleaned up the code to only call the function once.
2023101 (GTC-4745)Changing prompts dynamically through code does not workFixed an issue that was making it difficult for Developers to change Prompts dynamically through code.

An advanced code pattern can be utilized to customize the SQL for a prompt lookup. This could be customized using an advanced code pattern referenced in this document: Customer Self-Service>Documents>Documentation>Tips N Tricks>Technical>"Dynamic Prompts.docx".


Functional Documents

New Documents

DocumentLocationApplicable to Versions Starting With
Defined Smart SourcesGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery3.58.00
Navigation Button DefaultsGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > GT System Setup3.58.00
Robot SetupGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > GT System Setup3.58.00
Visual Ifs for Custom SegmentsGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Setup3.58.00
Search Configuration Saved SearchesGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > GT System Setup
Note: This document has now been combined with the Search Configuration document.

Updated Documents

DocumentLocationApplies to Version Starting WithChanges Made
Manage Custom PartsGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery3.58.00Included details about new Defined Smart Sources
Data PoolGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery3.58.00Updated with details about new features such as Query sources and Additional Binds
Workflow ToolsGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Utilities (folder)3.58.00Added details about using running via Process Scheduler
Form Setup - General TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Setup3.58.00Updated screenshot and info about on-page validations
Form Setup - Data TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Setup3.58.00Added new screenshots and references to the Data Pool feature document
Form Type BuildGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Type Build3.58.00Updated with new details about Temp Attachment URLS
Form Admin ToolGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Admin Tool3.58.00Added screenshots and reformatted
Form Installation TableGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > GT System Setup3.58.00Updated verbiage and added references to open-source libraries
Value ListsGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery3.58.01Updated with new buttons added to the setup
Search ConfigurationGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Functional Setup (folder) > GT System Setup3.58.01Added details about new result field limits
Form Setup - Pages TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Setup3.58.01Added info about changing field data types
Form Setup - Validations TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > Form Setup3.58.01Updated info about validation configuration
3.5X Helium Functional ReferenceGT eForms Feature Documentation > More3.58.01Updated for 3.58.01 features and added details about unique segment sequence numbers
Delivered Visual If DefinitionsTips N Tricks > Functional3.58.01Updated document to reference new Navigation Button Defaults
Delivered Smart Source DefinitionsTips N Tricks > Functional3.58.01Updated with Current Action and First User Pending Step SS definitions
GT eForm TablesTips N Tricks > Functional3.58.01Updated formatting
Push Back ToolTips N Tricks > Functional3.58.01Updated Document Header
Validations on a Field Change, Page, Change, or Form ActionTips N Tricks > Functional3.58.01Added screenshots and explanation of configuration

Technical Document Changes

Updated Documents

DocumentLocationApplies to Version Starting WithChanges Made
GT 3 API DocumentationGT eForms Feature Documentation > More > API3.58.00-DisplayOnlySegmentOverride
-Added ValidationEvents
-Custom Segment Validate
-PPC SmartSource Length Guidance
-Visual If Part Length Guidance
3.5X Helium Tech ReferenceGT eForms Feature Documentation > More3.58.01-Updated Rowset Annotations section with a note about iterating over rows
-Recommendation to use configurable buttons rather than custom segment driver overrides
-Added a section about handling think-time functions in PPC hooks
Form Transporter UtilitiesGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Technical Setup (folder)3.58.01Added information about the two new checkboxes to enable just bringing in a form without running additional processes
Network VisualizerGT eForms Feature Documentation > GT Utilities (folder)3.58.01Added details about new colors
GT Modal Component UtilityTips N Tricks > Technical3.58.01Improved explanations and examples
3.5x GT eForm Solution Migration GuideTips N Tricks > Technical3.58.01Updated framework version references to 3.58.01


2023030 (GTC-4038) Add configured segments to an Ad Hoc page

A screenshot with an example of a configured segment on an Ad Hoc page

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2023059 (GTC-4063) Save and Reuse Form Searches

A screenshot of a search page showing the option to use a saved search

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2023062 (GTC-4214) Use LogicStacks to satisfy binds in Defined Rosters

A screenshot of a Defined Roster with a LogicStack provided in the &#39;Param Value&#39; field

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2023067 (GTC-2814) Add Form Status to Form Header

A screenshot showing a form header with the form status displayed

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2023068 (GTC-4147) New Delivered PPC SmartSources for Current Action and First Pending Workflow Step

A screenshot showing the two new SmartSources in a table of SmartSources

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A screenshot showing the new &#39;Open Navigation Button Defaults&#39; helper link

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2023016 (GTC-4157) Show Form Type Build Option on Form Type Build page

A screenshot showing a selected &#39;Form Type Build&#39; option on the Form Type Build page

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2023029 (GTC-4128) Form Build Utility to build multiple Helium Form Types at a time

A screenshot of the menu of the new Form Type Build utility

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2023066 (GTC-4674) Add option to run the Mass Resubmit Workflow Tool to run via the process monitor

A screenshot showing the option to use the Process Scheduler with the &#39;Mass Resubmit&#39; Workflow Tool

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2023063 (GTC-4602) Network Visualizer color improvements

A screenshot showing the new colors used in the Network Visualizer with their meanings

A screenshot showing an example of the Network Visualizer using the new colors

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2023080 (GTC-4695) Rich Text/CKEditor v5 Updates for PeopleTools 8.59.16/8.60.04+

A screenshot comparing the previous version of CKEditor with the current implementation

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2023005 (GTC-4186) Form Report Setup "Get Sample XML" lookup has no search fields

A screenshot comparing the previous and current state of the &#39;Get Sample XML&#39; lookup menu

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2023008 (GTC-4111) Added Data Pool blank context validation to Additional Binds

A screenshot of the validation message that appears when a user adds a data pool record with blank context for an Additional Bind

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2023025 (GTC-4134) Value List Setup page missing buttons that are available on the Form Setup Value List page

A screenshot of the Value List setup page

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2023060 (GTC-4113) Apply validation to ensure segment record tags and data pool record tags are unique within a form

A screenshot of the message that appears when a segment record tag and data pool record tag match one another

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2023064 (GTC-4671) LogicStacks SmartSources not working to satisfy additional binds on Data Pool Sources

A screenshot showing a LogicStack in the Network Visualizer

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2023093 (GTC-4730) Relabeled "PeopleSoft Component" page type as "Custom Page"

A screenshot showing the new &#39;Custom Page&#39; option in a drop-down field in Form Setup

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2023097 (GTC-4726) The Defined Roster Setup page has issues with spacing and layout

A screenshot of the Defined Roster Setup page with improved layout

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2023001 (GTC-3035) Custom AWE Step titles not showing on Form Log

A screenshot showing a custom AWE step title on a form&#39;s Transaction Log

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2023022 (GTC-4143) Search Configuration result field limit

A screenshot showing a warning that tells users of a field limit in Search Configuration

The image above shows the warning message that appears when a user adds more than 21 Result fields to their Search Configuration.

A screenshot showing an error message that tells users of a field limit in Search Configuration

The image above shows the warning message that appears when a user tries to save search configuration with more than 21 result fields.

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