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Navigation Button Defaults

The Navigation Button Defaults setup page allows functional users to define the default buttons and their settings for all Form Types using Helium Performance in GT eForms Framework version 3.58.00 and later. Any changes made on this page will apply to the GT Framework, meaning it will impact all form types and form tasks that use Helium Performance and default buttons. If a functional user desires to change the button settings for a specific form type and task, they can navigate to Form Setup and go to the Pages tab to override the default buttons for that task on the selected form type. See the Pages Tab feature document for more information.

Setup Page

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3x > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Navigation Button Defaults

Navigation button setup page

TaskDropdown list of tasks (Add, Evaluate, Update, and View) where the button will appear

Dropdown Options: ADD (Add), EVL (Evaluate), UPD (Update), or VWS (View)
ButtonDropdown list of delivered navigation buttons.

Options are Approve, Deny, Hold, Next, Previous, Print, Recycle, Resubmit, Save, Search, and Withdraw.

For the buttons that are associated with a form action, please review the Form Statuses and Actions document for more information.
LabelDetermines the text that will appear on the button visible to the user on the eForm
ShowDetermines when to show the button to the user on the eForm.

Dropdown Options: Yes, No, and Dynamic

Yes means always show the button, No means hide the button and Dynamic means use a visual if to determine when to show.
Show – Visual IfWhen 'Dynamic' is selected for the Show column, the Visual If icon will appear. Click the visual if to configure the logic for when the button should be shown.
EnableDetermines when the button can be clicked by the user on the eForm.

Dropdown Options: Yes, No, and Dynamic

Yes means always allow the button to be clicked, No means grey out the button to not allow it to be clicked, and Dynamic means use a visual if to determine when to enable the button.
Enable – Visual IfWhen 'Dynamic' is selected for the Enable column, the Visual If icon will appear. Click the visual if to configure the logic for when the button should be clickable.
Add Row (button)Adds a row to add additional button configuration
Delete Row (button)Removes the row where the button is clicked

Default Values by Task Type

Below is the logic that will appear on buttons for the four tasks by default. All these visual ifs are delivered PeopleCode visual ifs. For more information on the criteria behind each delivered visual if, please see the Delivered Visual If Definitions document.

Add Task

ButtonShow LogicEnable Logic
NextHas Next PageDefaulted to Yes
PreviousHas Previous PageDefaulted to Yes
SaveHas Update TaskIs Not - Is History Mode
SearchHas Search PageDefaulted to Yes
SubmitIs Last PageIs Not - Is History Mode

Evaluate Task

ButtonShow LogicEnable Logic
ApproveIs Last PageIs Not - Is History Mode
DenyIs Last PageIs Not - Is History Mode
NextHas Next PageDefaulted to Yes
PrintHas Report ConfiguredIs Not - Is History Mode
PreviousHas Previous PageDefaulted to Yes
RecycleIs Last PageIs Not - Is History Mode
SearchDefaulted to YesDefaulted to Yes

Update Task

ButtonShow LogicEnable Logic
NextHas Next PageDefaulted to Yes
PreviousHas Previous PageDefaulted to Yes
ResubmitIs Last Page AND Has Been SubmittedIs Not - Is History Mode
SaveIs Not - Has Been SubmittedIs Not - Is History Mode
SearchDefaulted to YesDefaulted to Yes
SubmitIs Last Page AND Is Not - Has Been SubmittedIs Not - Is History Mode
WithdrawIs Last PageIs Not - Is History Mode

View Task

ButtonShow LogicEnable Logic
NextHas Next PageDefaulted to Yes
PrintHas Report ConfiguredIs Not - Is History Mode
PreviousHas Previous PageDefaulted to Yes
SearchDefaulted to YesDefaulted to Yes