Attachment Administration
Purpose: Attachments are an optional, supported feature of GT eForms. These pages aid in defining the default attachment setup data for all forms. Settings can be further refined per form type within Form Setup.
NOTE: GT does not provide attachment servers. Each customer must define their attachment process. Those are prerequisites internal to PeopleSoft that need to be applied to get the attachment functionality working.
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Attachment Administration
Attachment URL
On this tab, the default file attachment servers are defined.
The provided table, G3ATTACH, may be used as a Database record type or you may specify your own Database or FTP location.
Attachment URL Field Definitions for Single Environment
Fields | Value/Use | |
1 | Define URLs for multiple environments? | Toggles between a single environment view or a multiple environment grid. Select “No” for Single Environment. |
2 | Create URL link | Allows the addition of new URLs |
3 | File Extension Lists link | Allows the management of File Extension Lists |
4 | URL Type | Allows selection of the URL types defined on the ‘Attachment URL Types’ tab |
5 | URL Identifier | Allows the selection of an existing URL |
6 | Description | URL Identifier Description |
7 | Edit URL link | Allows the management of an existing URL |
Attachment URL Field Definitions for Multiple Environments
Fields | Value/Use | |
1 | Define URLs for multiple environments? | Toggles between a single environment view or a multiple environment grid. Select “Yes” for Multiple Environments. |
2 | Create URL | Allows the addition of new URLs |
3 | File Extension Lists | Allows the management of File Extension Lists |
4 | Database Name | Specify the Database Name (shown for Multiple Environment Setup only) |
5 | URL Type | Allows selection of the URL types defined on the ‘Attachment URL Types’ tab |
6 | URL Identifier | Allows the selection of an existing URL |
7 | Description | URL Identifier Description |
8 | Edit URL | Allows the management of an existing URL |
URL Maintenance
Accessed via Edit URL link
Record Example |
![]() |
FTP Example |
![]() |
Fields | Value/Use | |
1 | URL Identifier | Set at the time of URL creation |
2 | Description | URL Identifier Description |
3 | URLID | Identifies the record or FTP path |
4 | Comments | Additional descriptive text |
5 | URL Properties | Opens the URL Properties |
URL Properties
Record Example |
![]() |
FTP Example |
![]() |
URL Properties Field Definitions
Fields | Value/Use | |
1 | Property Name | Select available Property Names based on the ‘URL Type’. FILE_EXT_LIST is always available. USER and PASSWORD may be required by FTP servers. Passwords must be encrypted using the on-screen tool. |
2 | Property Value | The value for the defined ‘Property Name’ |
3 | Password | For FTP servers, enter the password in the password encryption tool |
4 | Confirm Password | For FTP servers, re-enter the password |
5 | Encrypt | Button to encrypt password |
6 | Encrypted Password | Encrypted password, copy to Property Value field for the PASSWORD Property Name |
File Extension Lists
The delivered file extension list, G_FILE_EXT_LIST, is ‘Relative’ and delivered with no modifications. As configured, all the extensions in the ‘Standard Extensions’ list will be allowed. To restrict this list, you may either add file extensions to ‘reject’ to a relative list, or switch to an absolute list of file extensions to ‘accept’.
When a user creates a new File Extension List for either a form type or the whole system, a temporary attachment storage URL needs to be built to facilitate the proper transfer of files from the temporary attachment storage to the permanent attachment storage. For Helium form types, this automatically takes place as part of the form build process. For Standard form types, the process takes place when a user saves the form type. Occasionally, users may encounter an error stating that the correct Temporary Attachment Store URL does not exist. If this happens, users can fix it by either saving the form type or running the “Build Temp Attachment URLs” build task in the Advanced
tab of the Form Type Build component.
Important! If no File Extension List is defined for a URL type, no limits will be applied (including the standard extensions)
Attachment URL Types Tab
Define the allowable URL types here. For assistance with options not listed here, contact Gideon Taylor Support.
Attachment URL Types Field Definitions
Fields | Value/Use | |
1 | URL Type | Single character value defining the URL types available on the ‘Attachment URL’ tab |
2 | Description | Descriptive text |