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eForm Parts Gallery

A guide to the various components of GT eForms.

📄️ Annotations

Annotations are a new 3.50 Helium code pattern that tells the form engine what a custom PeopleCode part/hook is dependent on/subscribed to in the form so the engine knows when it needs to fire the part/hook. These code patterns are covered in a separate document under the Tips N Tricks folder of the GT Customer Self Service documentation site. This page helps you see all the parts/hooks that a Form Type (Network Id) uses and which ones have annotations. This gives visibility into technical code extensions allowing a functional user to know there are code elements subscribed to form elements that are not visible in Form Setup.

📄️ Deferred Mode

The 3.50 Helium engine checks whether anything in the form is dependent on a field. If there is, then that field will have deferred mode turned off. As a user leaves the field after entering a value, the engine will trigger a trip to the server to fire the dependent logic changes. The indicator a trip is happening is the spinner that pops up on the page. If there is nothing dependent on that field, the field will have deferred mode turned on. As a user leaves the field after entering a value, there will be no trip or spinner. This drastically improves usability and rapid data entry in an eForm.