📄️ Defined Smart Sources
Defined Smart Sources, or LogicStacks as we like to call them, allow you to configure a smart source for situations where you need to conditionally return a smart source or a constant value. There are many situations where this can be useful, and it gives users a lot of creative freedom! Below are some generic examples of the type of logic that can be achieved with conditional smart sources:
📄️ Manage Custom Parts
The Manage Custom Parts page allows you to view/edit the dependency managed parts for any forms in the environment that are coded and registered. Technical form builders can use the page to remove custom content as well as update descriptions (labels). Functional form builders can update descriptions for the content as needed. This is available for the following:
📄️ Annotations
Annotations are a new 3.50 Helium code pattern that tells the form engine what a custom PeopleCode part/hook is dependent on/subscribed to in the form so the engine knows when it needs to fire the part/hook. These code patterns are covered in a separate document under the Tips N Tricks folder of the GT Customer Self Service documentation site. This page helps you see all the parts/hooks that a Form Type (Network Id) uses and which ones have annotations. This gives visibility into technical code extensions allowing a functional user to know there are code elements subscribed to form elements that are not visible in Form Setup.
📄️ Data Pool
The Data Pool uses functional configuration to make data from anywhere in the database readily accessible in the form. Once records and our queries are added to the data pool, smart sources are automatically generated and can be used throughout GT Setup Tables.
📄️ Deferred Mode
The 3.50 Helium engine checks whether anything in the form is dependent on a field. If there is, then that field will have deferred mode turned off. As a user leaves the field after entering a value, the engine will trigger a trip to the server to fire the dependent logic changes. The indicator a trip is happening is the spinner that pops up on the page. If there is nothing dependent on that field, the field will have deferred mode turned on. As a user leaves the field after entering a value, there will be no trip or spinner. This drastically improves usability and rapid data entry in an eForm.
📄️ Email Templates
GT Email Template provides an easy-to-use template for creating email notifications that support the workflow process. It allows the functional user to create and edit email notifications as per their business requirements.
📄️ Roster Engine
The Roster Types that are set to active on this page will be available in the Roster drop-down list on the Routings tab of the Form Type Table.
📄️ Value Lists
Dropdown fields have two features for 3.58+ Helium Performance eForms that allow you greater flexibility to set values and the order in which they appear in the dropdown without the need for code.