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Manage Custom Parts

The Manage Custom Parts page allows you to view/edit the dependency managed parts for any forms in the environment that are coded and registered. Technical form builders can use the page to remove custom content as well as update descriptions (labels). Functional form builders can update descriptions for the content as needed. This is available for the following:

  • Smart Sources
  • Visual If Parts
  • Rosters
  • Data Pool Custom Load Parts
  • Custom Segment Drivers

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > eForm Parts Gallery > Custom Parts > Manage Custom Parts

Smart Sources Tab

PeopleCode Smart Sources

Screen shot of PeopleCode Smart Sources

Smart SourceDisplays the ID of the defined smart source
DescriptionDisplays the name of the smart source, which can be edited for any smart source in the list
Return TypeDisplays the data type that the smart source returns
PackageDisplays the Application Package that contains the code
Note: Only custom smart sources can be changed, delivered smart sources using a G3 app packages are read-only
PathDisplays the Path used for each smart source
Note: Only custom smart sources can be changed, delivered smart sources are read-only
Class IDDisplays the Class ID used in the code for each smart source
Note: Only custom smart sources can be changed, delivered smart sources are read-only
MethodDisplays the Method used in the code for each smart source
Note: Only custom smart sources can be changed, delivered smart sources are read-only
Delete Row (button)Removes the smart source from the framework
Note: Only custom smart sources can be deleted, delivered smart sources cannot be removed

SQL Smart Sources

Screen shot of SQL Smart Sources

Smart SourceDisplays the ID of the defined smart source
DescriptionDisplays the name of the smart source, which can be edited for any smart source in the list
Return TypeDisplays the data type that the smart source returns
SQL Object IDDisplays the ID used in the code for each smart source and can be changed
Delete Row (button)Removes the smart source from the framework

Query Smart Sources

Screen shot of Query Smart Sources

Smart SourceDisplays the ID of the defined smart source
DescriptionDisplays the name of the smart source, which can be edited for any smart source in the list
Return TypeDisplays the data type that the smart source returns
Query NameDisplays the query name that was saved in Query Manager for each smart source and can be changed
Delete Row (button)Removes the smart source from the framework

LogicStack Smart Sources

Screen shot of LogicStack Smart Sources

Smart SourceDisplays the name of the smart source, which can be edited for any smart source in the list
Return TypeDisplays the data type that the smart source returns
EditClick the “Edit” hyperlink to open a new tab/window and be redirected to open the Defined Smart Source setup for the selected part to make changes
Delete Row (button)Removes the smart source from the framework

Visual If Parts Tab

PeopleCode Visual If Parts

Screen sot of Visual If Parts

Unique Part IDDisplays the ID of the defined visual if part
Part NameDisplays the name of the visual if part, which can be edited for any part in the list
Package NameDisplays the Application Package that contains the code
Note: Only custom visual if parts can be changed, delivered smart sources using a G3 app packages are read-only
PathDisplays the Path used for each visual if part
Note: Only custom parts can be changed, delivered visual if parts are read-only
Class IDDisplays the Class ID used in the code for each visual if part
Note: Only custom parts can be changed, delivered visual if parts are read-only
Method NameDisplays the Method used in the code for each visual if part
Note: Only custom parts can be changed, delivered visual if parts are read-only
Delete Row (button)Removes the visual if part from the framework
Note: Only custom visual if parts can be deleted, delivered visual if parts cannot be removed

SQL Visual If Parts

Screen shot of SQL Visual If Parts

Unique Part IDDisplays the ID of the defined visual if part
Part NameDisplays the name of the visual if part, which can be edited for any part in the list
SQL Object IDDisplays the ID used in the code for each visual if part
Delete Row (button)Removes the visual if part from the framework
Note: Only custom visual if parts can be deleted, delivered visual if parts cannot be removed

Query Visual If Parts

Screen shot of Query Visual If Parts

Unique Part IDDisplays the ID of the defined visual if part
Part NameDisplays the name of the visual if part, which can be edited for any part in the list
Query NameDisplays the query name that was saved in Query Manager for each visual if and can be changed
Delete Row (button)Removes the visual if part from the framework
Note: Only custom visual if parts can be deleted, delivered visual if parts cannot be removed

Rosters Tab

PeopleCode Rosters

Screen shot of PeopleCode Rosters

RosterDisplays the ID of the roster
Package NameDisplays the Application Package that contains the code
Note: All rosters are not editable**
PathDisplays the Path used for each roster part
Note: All rosters are not editable
Class IDDisplays the Class ID used in the code for each roster part
Note: All rosters are not editable
EditClick the “Edit” hyperlink to open a new tab/window and be redirected to open the Defined Roster page for the selected part to make changes
Delete Row (button)Removes the visual if part from the framework
Note: Only rosters in the DefinedRosters path can be deleted, all other roster parts cannot be removed

Custom Rowsets Tab

PeopleCode Custom Rowset

Screen shot of PeopleCode Custom Rowset

RecordDisplays the record/table used in the code
Custom Rowset NameDisplays the name of the custom rowset
PackageDisplays the Application Package that contains the code
PathDisplays the Path used for each custom rowset part
Class IDDisplays the Class ID used in the code
Method NameDisplays the Method Name used in the code
Data Pool Used ByDisplays with Form Type has this custom rowset added to a Custom Load join in the data pool

Custom Segments Tab

Screen shot of Custom Segments

Custom SegmentDisplays the name of the custom segment
Page NameDisplays the name of the page where the custom segment exists
Root Package IDDisplays the Application Package that contains the code for the custom segment
Qualified Package/Class PathDisplays the Path used for each custom segment
App ClassDisplays the Class ID used in the code
Object StringDisplays the code path linked to each custom segment
Support Visual IfShows a checkbox if the custom segment can be controlled with a visual if in Form Setup