The Roster Types that are set to active on this page will be available in the Roster drop-down list on the Routings tab of the Form Type Table.
Navigation: Main Menu > Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > eForm Parts Gallery > Roster Type Table
Roster Type Setup |
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | (Add and Remove buttons) | The plus button will add a new entry. The minus button will remove the entry. |
2 | Roster Type | Two letter unique identifier |
3 | Active Flag | Active when checked |
4 | Description | Description for this roster type |
5 | Short Description | Short description |
6 | Edit Table | Select the table used to define values for roster type |
7 | Root Package ID | Select the package ID |
8 | Qualified Package/Class Path | Enter path |
9 | Application Class ID | Enter class ID |
Roster Groups
The Roster Types that are set to active on this page will be available in the roster drop-down list on the form type table routings tab.
Navigation: Main Menu > Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup > Form Type Table > Routings tab > Roster Lookup icon
Alt Navigation: Main Menu > Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > eForm Parts Gallery > Roster Groups
Roster Groups Main Setup
Define Roster Groups |
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | Open Roster Group | Link to select an existing roster group. Allows users to make edits or a copy of group |
2 | Remember Me | Define the name that should be used when saving this group. Note: this must be a unique name or an error will appear. |
3 | Clear | Clears the data on the page |
4 | Delete | Deletes the roster group from the database |
5 | (Roster Lookup) | Opens the Roster Lookup page. See details below. |
6 |  | Select the operator for the user roster that follows.
'Add' will add the user list to the list of users above. 'Intersect' will only include the users on the list above and those in the selected user list. 'Subtract' will remove the users in this list from the list above. |
Roster Lookup
Use the roster lookup to build pieces of the roster group. Select roster type and user roster in the window below
Define Roster Groups - Roster Lookup |
. |
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | Roster Type | List of active roster types from the Roster Type Table |
2 | User Roster | Select the User Roster |
Defined Rosters
Most Rosters can be set up in Form Configuration via the Form Configuration link. However, there is an option to add complex filters that pass in binds from the form (or system) to help limit the list of users in the roster for that specific form or step. This page is used to configure Rosters that require binds.
Navigation: Main Menu > Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > eForms Parts Gallery > Defined Roster Setup
Advanced Search
The search defaults to Advanced Search. To change to basic search, click Basic Search
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | Filter | Name for this filter. When creating a new filter use a name that easily distinguishes what is the purpose of the filter. |
2 | Filter Type | Select from PeopleCode, Query, or SQL object. |
3 | Workflow Context | Select the workflow context for this filter from the list of developed contexts |
Basic Search
Basic Search using one of the below fields. To change to the advanced search, click Advanced Search. |
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | Search by | Select from Filter, Filter Type, or Workflow Context. See the above Advanced Search section for details on each of these fields. |
Add a New Value
Add a new value to create a new defined roster |
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | Filter | Name for this filter. When creating a new filter use a name that easily distinguishes what is the purpose of the filter. |
Defined Roster Table - PeopleCode (defined roster)
Defined Rosters - PeopleCode |
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | Defined Roster | The description should be easy for the functional user to identify |
2 | Roster Type | PeopleCode |
3 | Root Package ID | Select the Root Package ID |
4 | Qualified Package/Class Path | Select the Path |
5 | Application Class ID | Enter the Class ID |
6 | Bind Values – Param Name | Parameters for the workflow filter can be further defined by a bind variable that can be a predefined snippet or defined here. |
7 | Bind Values – Constant/SmartSource | Defaults to Constant. For a SmartSource, click the Constant button once to define the parameter as a SmartSource. |
8 | Bind Values – Constant Value/Param Value | Enter a constant or use the lookup to select a SmartSource for the given parameter |
9 | Add a Row | Adds a row to add an additional bind value |
10 | Delete a Row | Deletes a row to remove a bind value |
Defined Roster Table –Query
Defined Rosters – Query |
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | Defined Roster | The description should be easy for the functional user to identify |
2 | Roster Type | Query |
3 | Query Name | Select the query name |
4 | Bind Values – Param Name | Defaults based upon the prompts defined in the query. |
5 | Bind Values – Constant/SmartSource | Defaults to Constant. For a SmartSource, click the Constant button once to define the parameter as a SmartSource. |
6 | Bind Values – Constant Value/Param Value | Enter a constant or use the lookup to select a SmartSource for the given parameter |
Defined Roster Table – SQL Object
Defined Rosters – SQL Object |
| Field | Value/Use |
1 | Defined Roster | The description should be easy for the functional user to identify |
2 | Roster Type | SQL Object |
3 | SQL Object Identifier | Select the SQL Object Identifier |
4 | Binds Values – Bind Number | Auto-numbers based on the number of rows on the page |
5 | Bind Values – Constant/SmartSource | Defaults to Constant. For a SmartSource, click the Constant button once to define the parameter as a SmartSource. |
6 | Bind Values – Constant Value/Param Value | Enter a constant or use the lookup to select a SmartSource for the given parameter |
7 | Add a Row | Adds a row to add an additional bind value |
8 | Delete a Row | Deletes a row to remove a bind value |