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Annotations are a new 3.50 Helium code pattern that tells the form engine what a custom PeopleCode part/hook is dependent on/subscribed to in the form so the engine knows when it needs to fire the part/hook. These code patterns are covered in a separate document under the Tips N Tricks folder of the GT Customer Self Service documentation site. This page helps you see all the parts/hooks that a Form Type (Network Id) uses and which ones have annotations. This gives visibility into technical code extensions allowing a functional user to know there are code elements subscribed to form elements that are not visible in Form Setup.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.X > GT Functional Setup > eForm Parts Gallery > Annotations

The Annotations link is also provided on the General tab of Form Setup to quickly allow a functional to open this page without having to follow the manual navigation above.

A screenshot of the Annotations Search page

Network IdEnter desired Form Type
Search (Button)Run search to filter by the Network Id.
Note: If no Network Id is entered, search will return all Form Types in the environment. However, Annotations are not supported on 3.50 Standard forms.


A screenshot of the Annotations table

Node TypePrompt contains all Node Types listed in the grid for the selected Network Id to filter grid by Node Type

Note: Filtering by a Node Type will cause an Annotations box to be added to each row, even when annotations have been been added. Reloading the window will reset the page to only show Annotation buttons for rows that have annotations.
Clear Node Filter (Button)Clears the selected Node type
Node IDID for the part/hook in the dependency network
Node TypeType portion of the ID
Node KeyKey portion of the ID
Annotations (Button)Button appears in row if Annotations exist on the node.

Annotations Button to Annotations Modal Window

Clicking the Annotations button will open a modal window to display the following.

A screenshot of the modal window that appears when a user clicks the 'Annotations' button

TypeID for the part/hook in the dependency network
ValueLists a row for each annotated value that exists on the node in App Designer, which represents what the node is subscribed to in the dependency network.
Close “x”Closes modal window and returns user to Annotations page