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Content Reference Naming

The framework is set to only show/hide GT eForm links in the WorkCenter, or Fluid side panel, based on participation rosters. Sometimes you may want to manually create navigation links (Content References) using your custom naming conventions, rather than GT eForm link naming conventions, and want participation rosters to hide/show those custom links. To make this possible, a setup table is available that indicates where you can configure the prefix for your naming convention.

Delivered Settings

As part of the GT eForms™ install, there is a customization to delivered code that will check, based on the name of the link content reference, whether a link is a GT link. Currently, only G_ and G3 content references are checked. Those GT prefixes are included in the Content Reference Naming setup table. Customization will then check if the current user is in the participation rosters to hide/show the link.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Content Reference Naming

A screenshot of the GT eForms Content Ref Naming page showing delivered settings

Navigation Collection PrefixField where the user enters the prefix of custom links
+ (button)Adds a new row below the current one
- (button)Deletes the row the user is on

Custom Content References

If you have created any Content References manually (which don’t start with G_ or G3), and you want them to show/hide based on participation rosters, then make sure you put the prefix in this setup table.

a screenshot of the GT eForms Content Ref Naming page showing custom settings

In the example above, we added prefixes for manually created custom Content References. By adding them to this table, participation rosters now apply and, as such, can show/hide them, just like Content References based on G_ and G3.