Form Admin Tool Security
Form Admin Tool Security allows users to control access to the Form Admin Tool and its segments as shown on the Form Admin Tool page. The access is based on permission lists and can be controlled at the Form Type and Form Condition levels.
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Form Admin Tool Security
Once customization is applied to one permission list, the remaining roles will need to be configured with access. If no customization is applied, then only the higher-level component and page security for G3Admin are applied.
If the ALL Form Type is chosen, any subsequent form definition will grant access based on the most specificity. Therefore, any form specified in a permission list definition that also has the ALL option chosen will use the definition at the individual form level.
Users must also have access to the G3ADMIN component and the subsequent pages.
Search Page
Search by Permission List or Permission List Description in the Find an Existing Value tab. Alternately, use the Add a New Value tab to create a new customization.
Find an Existing Value tab
Add a New Value tab
1 | Find an Existing Value | Returns name of the permission lists that have already been customized |
2 | Add a New Value | Use this tab to customize a permission list that has not previously been customized |
3 | Permission List | Prompt field to enter or search for an existing permission list |
4 | Permission List Description | Search by the description of the permission list |
5 | Case Sensitive (checkbox) | Check to search by exact case match |
6 | Search (button) | Runs the search with the parameters indicated |
7 | Clear (button) | Clears the search parameters fields |
Form Admin Tool Security
Form Type and Allow Access Checkbox Section
1 | Form Type (dropdown) | Shows all form types across the environment. Select “All” to apply the customization across all form types. |
2 | Form Condition (dropdown) | Shows the form conditions for the selected form type. A form type must be selected before the form condition dropdown will populate. Select “All” to apply the customization across all form conditions for the selected form type. |
3 | Allow Access (checkbox) | If checked, allows access to the Admin Tool for the indicated form type selected previously. NOTE: User must also have access to the G3ADMIN component and the subsequent pages. |
4 | Plus sign (button) | Add another form type for customization. |
5 | Minus sign (button) | Remove a customization. To delete a permission list, click on the minus sign and then click on save. The permission list will be removed. |
Pages Section
Controls which tabs at the top of the admin tool page are showing.
1 | Form Log | Shows the Form Log tab compromised of the transaction/signature log. |
2 | Worklist Items | Shows the Worklist Items tab, which has all the users who currently have Worklist items assigned. |
3 | Form Data | Shows the Form Data tab, which has the form’s data in XML (3.50 Standard) or JSON (3.50 Helium) format. |
4 | Action Items | Shows the Action Items tab, which has the time and date stamp of acknowledged action items. |
5 | Form List | Shows the Form List tab, which displays Form List Fields and Form Key Data. |
6 | Notification Log | Shows the Notification Log, which displays history of notifications sent on the form. |
If action items or worklist items are unchecked, the corresponding boxes in the eForms link section will be checked or unchecked. These boxes should match – the system will not allow these not to match.
Workflow Section
The show workflow button must be checked for the subsequent 3 options to appear within this section. You cannot have the Approve Pending, Add AdHoc Approver, or Add Approvers buttons appear without showing the visualizer.
1 | Show Workflow | Displays the AWE workflow visualizer |
2 | Approve Pending | Shows the Approve Pending button |
3 | Add AdHoc Approver | Controls the start a new path link, plus buttons between pending/not routed steps, and Save AdHoc approver button. |
4 | Add Approvers | Displays the Set Roster box with the option to click the icon to select a participation roster and the Add as Approvers button. |
Show Workflow button checked
Show Workflow and Approve Pending checked
Show Workflow and Add AdHoc Approver checked
Show Workflow and Add Approver checked
eForms Links Section
This section includes links to either the form or other tabs within the Admin Tool.
1 | View | If checked, allows the link to show, which will launch in a separate tab and open to the View task of the eForm. |
2 | Update | If checked, allows the link to show, which will launch in a separate tab and open to the Update task of the eForm. |
3 | Worklist Items | Redirects the user to the Worklist Items tab. |
4 | Action Items | Redirects the user to the Action Items tab. |
If action items or worklist items are unchecked, the corresponding boxes in the eForms link section will be checked or unchecked. These boxes should match – the Framework will not allow these not to match.
eForm Actions Section
This section is related to the form actions that can be taken on the form.
1 | Resubmit | If checked, will show the Resubmit link, which allows the form to be resubmitted. |
2 | Recycle | If checked, will show the Recycle link, which allows the form to be recycled. |
3 | Deny | If checked, will show the Deny link, which allows the form to be denied. |
4 | Withdraw | If checked, will show the Withdraw link, which allows the form to be withdrawn. |
5 | Authorize | If checked, will show the Authorize link, which allows the form to be authorized. |
6 | Authorize Without IB | If checked, will show the Authorize Without IB link, which allows the form to be authorized in the user’s session instead of through the IB. |
7 | Execute | If checked, will show the Execute link, which allows the form to be executed. |
Integration Broker/Message Status Section
This section is related to the IB Message Status sections.
1 | IB Message Status | If checked, will show the IB log and the status of the form. |
Comments Section
This section will only disable the “Your Comments” section. There is no control on the Comment History box.
1 | Add Comments | If checked, will allow the user to add comments in the Your Comments section. |
Form Data Section
This section is related to the Form Data tab.
1 | Update Form Data | If checked, will allow the user to click the “Save XML to eForm” button and make changes to the form’s data without logging this action. |
Form Data tab showing user view who has Update Form Data enabled
The features within this customization have the same behavior as the standard Admin Tool within the GT eForms Framework meaning some of the options will not show in the Admin Tool if the action is not warranted on the form.