GT eForms 3.30 Release Notes
The whole team has been working hard to get a lot of requested fixes and enhancements added into this release, as well as a few things we’ve been itching to add ourselves. This release is especially loaded with new and updated tools (Deployment Tool, Search Sets, Email Tool, Admin Tool Security) as well as features to enhance your form building abilities (updates to attachment functionality, new field types, tokens to allow for outside approvers, multi-language support, etc.)
We encourage you to read through these release notes to see what is included and let us know if you have any questions!
Installation Prep
How should you prepare to install this Feature Release?
- Review these Release Notes and make notes along the way of any items that might require special testing or End-User communication.
- Visit the GT Customer Self Service channel to review updated product documentation and tips’n’tricks.
- Carefully review all Installation Instructions (IMPORTANT, very important).
- Complete regression testing for your forms prior to moving to production.
- Contact the GT Support Center with any questions. We are here to help.
Important Note
There are some new features that require additional steps to implement, beyond installing the provided installation package. The Installation Instructions should take you through step-by-step, but please make sure you pay special attention to the following:
- ALTER Records when building the project. DO NOT RUN A DESTRUCTIVE ALTER OR BUILD or you will lose all your form data!!!
- Update provides migration utilities around search configuration and attachments. It is very important these processes are completed. Make sure you follow the instructions in their detail and in their entirety.
Favorite New Features
Deployment Tool
You've built a form, but how do you create a link for your users to access the form? The form family table? The form setup table? Some combination of navigation collections and the Tile Wizard?
Introducing the Deployment Tool, a simplified and centralized place to create links, whether you are deploying to a Fluid Homepage or the Classic WorkCenter.
Familiarize yourself with the documentation on this new tool so you can deploy forms like a pro!
Attachment Enhancements
We’ve done a lot of work on attachments and we think you are going to like the additional flexibility.
Attachment Administration
Attachment Administration has been reengineered from the ground up. You’ll find an all new interface for managing your default file storage location and allowed file types. You can easily configure a single database or FTP storage location for all your eForms or specify a different location for each form type and condition. Allowed file types can also be managed down to the form type and condition level for ultimate flexibility.
Read-Only Attachments for Evaluators
Attachments now behave like all other segments on the page—by default, they will be read only in the Evaluate task. Need evaluators to add or change attachments prior to approving? Use a visual if to make the attachment segment open for edit in the Evaluate task.
Disable Attachment Types
If you need a way to restrict which attachments a user is allowed to add and view, checkout the new Disabled visual if. By default, all users will be able to add and view attachments. Populating the visual if defines when/for whom you want that attachment option disabled. If an attachment type is disabled for a user in the context of Add or Update, they won’t be able to select it when they are adding attachments. If disabled in the Evaluate task, they won’t be able to click the view button for attachments of that description.
Define Max File Size
In addition to limiting file types, it is now possible to limit file size. (see image above for example)
User-Entered Secondary Descriptions
You now have the ability to allow users to better describe what they are attaching by using the “Allow User Entered Description” checkbox. In addition to the attachment description you have defined in the dropdown, users will be able to add their own descriptive text.
Attachment Instructions Per Attachment
For those times when one set of instructions across all of the attachments doesn’t cut it, we have added space for instructions on each attachment row. (see image above for example)
Search Sets
Have you ever wanted to group forms together for your users but found yourself restricted because they weren't in the same Form Family? Why can't you just group GT eForms™ on a page however you want them? Family matters, but sometimes a form is destined to forge a different path!
Introducing Search Sets! With this new functionality, form types from different form families can be grouped and presented together. Want a single destination where your Records staff can search for all forms for an EmplID
, regardless of the type of form it was? Or a page where Department staff can search for all forms that included their DeptID
? Search Sets can help you do this and a lot more! Search sets can have their own landing pages, and you can even configure separate security and search records for search sets than used by their constituent families.
Navigation: Mange GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Search Set Setup
Tokens for External Users!
All of us spend a lot of time and effort in ensuring our systems are secure from outside entry, but this can cause a workflow issue in the eForms world – there are times we need approvals from “outsiders”. How can you include parents, vendors, board members, and other non-PeopleSoft users in your processes if they aren’t a user in the system?
The new Configure Tokens feature provides a technical foundation for securely extending participation in eForms and other PeopleSoft processes to outside constituents. It also enables transaction-level access control.
A GT Token is a long unique identifier (for example, e572ccb4-6e58-11ea-b92b-e0b05cc96cdd
) that can be associated with an eForm-based transaction, or with any other data, including people’s IDs. Tokens can be set to expire after a certain duration and include the ability to redirect the user session to a certain URL when the token is processed.
This allows URLs to be distributed outside PeopleSoft, such as in emails, that trigger specific transactions involving specific data, without having to put that data in the query string of the URL. For example, an email could be sent to an employee inviting them to verify their SSN before W-2s are processed. By using a GT Token, the URL in the email doesn’t need to include or expose either the employee’s EMPLID
or their SSN
; instead, the URL has only the token in the query string. GT Token tables securely store what EMPLID
and SSN
values are associated with that token.
An iScript is provided (WEBLIB_G3NAV.ISCRIPT2.FieldFormula.IScript_Token
) that can serve as a single point of entry for URLs that include tokens. This prevents bad actors from capturing either the data associated with the transaction, or the location in PeopleSoft where the transaction is processed.
The following are examples of what can be accomplished using the Configure Tokens feature:
- Allow non-authenticated users to participate securely in specific eForms transactions.
- Enable invitation-driven self-provisioning, so non-authenticated users can set up their own User IDs.
- Provide custom row- and transaction-level security to data. For example, a student could grant a parent access to see their student data, or only one specific form.
- Email-based approvals, where clicking an Approve, Deny, or Recycle link completes the form action without logging into PeopleSoft.
- Create email links that expire after a specified amount of time.
- Daisy-chain form types, so a notification kicked off by one form type can include a link that starts a new form type, prepopulated with information from the first form.
- Enabling certain form actions to take place outside firewalls or two-factor authentication restrictions.
New Field Types and Lengths
You have all been busy building forms, prompting requests for some additional field types to enhance what you can build through configuration. These five are some of our most-requested and we're excited to see what you do with them!
This is especially helpful for timecards and scheduling. Formats time in HH:MM AM/PM. Time can also be entered as military time. (Please note that the full formatting is needed when populating this field from a constant. That means constants should be formatted as HH:MM:SS)
Field Type | Works in Classic | Works in Fluid | Works in Column Segment | Works in Grid Segment |
Time | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Add instructions anywhere in a segment – not just at the top! The instructions box has rich text options, so go wild - add hyperlinks, adjust the font size and color, include images... and there’s a lot more. There are some restrictions on the use of this field type, which includes not being available in a grid segment. (Don't worry - you are not losing your instructions at the top of the segments. Those are still there, including in grid segments.)
Field Type | Works in Classic | Works in Fluid | Works in Column Segment | Works in Grid Segment |
Instructions | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Rich Text
The Rich Text field can be used in situations where your form users are going to need more flexibility in their response text by being presented by a box with Rich Text options. Job Posting forms and Position Description forms are examples where users are building descriptive or interactive text where fonts, images, hyperlinks, and other Rich Text options are a benefit. Similar to our long text field, this field has the option to take up one column, or span both. (By default, it is set to span the columns.)
Field Type | Works in Classic | Works in Fluid | Works in Column Segment | Works in Grid Segment |
Rich Text | ✔ | ✔ |
This currency field type works with two-digit, large number, and integers. Used along with the new Currency Code configuration field we added to the Form Setup table, you can now show currency symbols on your form!
Field Type | Works in Classic | Works in Fluid | Works in Column Segment | Works in Grid Segment |
Currency | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Wait...what was that about a new Form Setup field?
The Currency Code defaults to the United States dollar but can be changed on the General tab on the Form Setup page. Using the new field type of currency, the currency symbol will show in the field.
Form Setup – General tab
This field type is for technical use only. (It can be used in spots where you need more complex HTML to display/format something for the form.)
Admin Tool Security
The GT Form Admin Tool is a powerful tool that we're sure is loved by all who have access to it. However, we're also sure quite a few of you have people in your organization that would benefit from this “command center”, but who require more restricted access; either less functionality, or less form types. (We're sure of this because you have told us. Many times. Persistence for the win!)
The Form Admin Tool Security page allows you to define restrictions at a Permission List level. Choose which form types they have access to through the Admin Tool and use the checkboxes on this setup page to turn on/off specific tools they can use.
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Form Admin Tool Security
Multi-Language Support
Clients who work in multiple languages are always looking for ways to support translation needs without having to maintain separate efforts. We are excited to introduce GT Language Translation Support, which lets those clients build a single form and, through configuration, present that form in multiple languages. This means users can experience GT eForms™ in whatever language their session is set for!
Our configuration options cover most parts of the form and completely translated presentation can be accomplished using a combination of this new GT eForms™ configuration and delivered PeopleSoft Translation pages.
Navigation: Main > Manage GT eForms™ 3.x > Form Setup > General tab
Once you enable Language Configuration, you’ll find the Language button appearing in many different places that will allow you to translate items on your forms. We’ve started with the below items to translate and plan to release additional enhancements in the future:
- Task Title
- Page Title
- Page Instructions
- Segment Label
- Segment Instructions
- Field Labels
- Email Subject
- Email Body
Example of a translated column segment |
![]() |
Form Engine
Query Records Build
One small step for GT, one giant leap for Functional resources! We have added Query Record Actions that will now allow query records to be built directly from the PIA. This functionality is currently for Oracle databases only.
If that’s too big of a leap, we have installed controls so you can determine the access at which users will be able to build query records. This ability is controlled from the Form Installation Table. This setting is at the Framework level. The four options available in the dropdown are: Allow Both (script and build), Allow Build, Allow Script, or None.
The steps to either generate the scripts or build the records are still found on the Form Setup page under the Query Records tab. In just a few clicks, you have query records built!
Step 1: Create Records |
![]() |
Step 2: Build Records |
![]() |
Step 3: Complete |
![]() |
Rich Text Editor on Email Templates
Emails play an important part in keeping users active in a form, whether it is informing them of the status or prompting them for action. The most effective email communications are ones where essential information and the user’s tasks are clearly presented, but clients without an HTML guru have felt limited in their options.
We have added a Rich Text Editor on our email template configuration pages. Form builders now have access to at-a-click formatting to choose fonts, add links and images, and a much more!
Send Method Options
Have you ever wanted to hide the recipient list on an email or send a unique email to each recipient? These options are now available for use right from the email template setup with the new "Send Method" field. (To use the recipient specific SmartSource functionality, a developer will need to create a PeopleCode SmartSource and make use of a new property called notificationRecipient
GT Utilities
Message Catalog Utility
The PeopleSoft Message Catalog is used in many places across PeopleSoft and simply handing out access to it can be a huge risk for a company. However, the message catalog is also used by GT eForms™, especially to drive the text behind Action Items. This means functional form builders often need to partner with other resources any time they need to add or change text around action items, warnings, and errors.
We have added a Message Catalog Utility to the GT eForms™ Framework which will allow a company to grant access to specified catalog message sets. This means a builder will be able to create their own message catalog entries and immediately apply them to their forms.
Setup Page
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Functional Setup > GT System Setup > Message Catalog Security Setup
Setup is required to use this feature. Accessible message sets numbers are defined by permission list. (This feature does not actually grant access to the Form Setup pages; only people who already have security to the Form Setup will be able to use this utility.)
Using the Utility
Form builders with access can get to the restricted Message Catalog using a button directly on the Form Setup table (Action Items tab) or they can navigate to it through the PeopleSoft navigation menu (GT Utilities folder).
Email Tool
The Email Tool allows for emails to be sent to an email address or based upon an Oprid and stored in the Notification Log in the Form Admin Tool. This component can be used from the Navigation bar or can be used as a modal window component as a link to a page on your form or a related action on a pivot grid. The Email Tool also integrates with the Send Notifications based on User Workflow Routing Preference found in the Form Installation Table and can be configured to only send emails to users who have emails defined in their User Role Routing Preference. Note: the send method selected on the email template page is not currently integrated with the Email Tool.
Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > GT Utilities > Email Tool
Other Changes
We are delivering a number of other changes with this release.
Forms Engine
- Fixed a “single quote" issue in prompt table lookup.
Data Pool and Smart Sources
- Added Smart Source of
Original Emplid
. - Added Smart Source of
Original Date
. - Repaired the
Email Header
SmartSource. Previously, the image showed an error. - Fix to ensure the correct field label is displaying in cases where a field is found on multiple forms with the same Record Tag and Field Name.
- Fixed a bug where a grid field event was firing multiple times.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
FieldEdit errors can be circumvented. | Fixed an issue with error messages that was allowing user to circumvent field edit errors. |
- Resolved Error Message when "Field Display Type = Edit" and "Field Data Type = Code" in Grid Segment.
- Applied a fix to enhance grid segments when showing in a mobile horizontal view.
- Fixed issue where grid segments were not triggering previous column fields to hide.
- Fluid grid segments that had instructions were showing below the grid on the eForm. This has been changed and instructions will now appear above the grid on the eForm.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Resolved Error Message when "Field Display Type = Edit" and "Field Data Type = Code" in Grid Segment. | |
Applied a fix to enhance grid segments when showing in a mobile horizontal view. | |
Fixed issue where grid segments were not triggering previous column fields to hide. | |
Fluid grid segments that had instructions were showing below the grid on the eForm. This has been changed and instructions will now appear above the grid on the eForm. | |
Fluid grids sometimes show vertical scrollbar | Removed inset vertical scrollbar functionality in fluid grids. |
Styling Error Between fields with same SEQNUM value | Fixed scenario in which multiple grid segment fields can have the same sequence number, causing styling errors between fields. |
Segment and Page Setup
- Fixed a fluid issue that changed the visibility of a field based on another field's value and wasn’t displaying correctly and Segment headers changed in size.
- Added refresh button to results page.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Increased the size of form number fields | Integer now 31 characters and does not allow decimals. Two decimal field length was changed for 29 digits prior to the decimal and two digits after the decimal. Large number allows for 25 digits prior to the decimal and 6 digits after the decimal. |
Segment names were not previously required and if not entered were causing errors opening the form. | Segment names are now required and are case-sensitive. An error message will appear if a segment is not named. |
Dropdown Boxes on Search are Showing all Translate Values, Including Inactive and Deleted Rows. | Applied a fix so only active values will appear within the dropdowns. |
Checkbox fields start blank. If a user doesn’t set it to ‘Y’, it remains blank instead of setting a ‘N’ value. | Added code so that, if a checkbox field is not set to ‘Y’ on a form, it will now save to form data with a ‘N’. |
The issue was sometimes action items, especially when there are a lot of them and they are clicked quickly, don't register a field value change, when the checkbox (toggle / Yes-No slider) in Fluid shows the value as having changed. | Fix to ensure checkboxes are registering values. |
Query Records and Reporting
- Added informative error in query record data sync if no forms exist yet for that form type.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Print Report Default XML does not include the Message Catalog text fields for Acknowledgments. | Include Message Catalog text fields for acknowledgements in the print report xml. |
Fix Report Definition sample XML formlog output | Fix Report Definition sample XML formlog output to return correct PSOPRDEFN. |
Query Records are not creating entries in the PSRECFIELDBD, PSKEYDEFN or PSINDEXDEFN tables. | Fix to ensure query records are creating entries in tables to ensure index fields are created in the database. |
- Updated the label on the Form Type Table as was renamed to Form Setup.
- Removed the Form Migration Report link from the General tab of Form Setup.
- Fixed typo on Form Family landing page.
- Updated the label on the Routings and Notifications tab from Participation Roster to Roster.
Workflow and Notification Engine
Workflow Engine
- Removed error that new AWE "error action" field caused when an empty roster was used.
- Included support for Approving and Denying forms from the PeopleSoft Monitor Approvals tool.
- Cleaned up Email Template page by removing depreciated links.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Remember Me button was not working when trying to save a roster with the default name. | Fixed code so now users can either use the default name or customize the name. Either way, the saved roster will be available for use. |
Notification Engine
- Cleaned up Email Template page by removing depreciated links.
- Updated Email Notifications code so that any participation roster can resolve SmartSource regardless of context.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Use Step Roster checkbox not valid for certain notification events | Updated logic so checkbox cannot be selected with invalid notification events. Use Step Roster now only valid for Routed event. |
Reply to email address defaults to | Added a column to the Form Installation Table to hold a default reply to address that can be configured. |
Search and WorkCenter
- Removed Long Text option from search setup as it was not a valid search field.
- Fixed issue where updates to a form configuration was resetting the form's search configuration.
- Fixed issue where search page wasn't showing correct search fields after a form was moved from one family to another.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Search Record fields don't show in Search Results Grid | Family searches only had G3FORMLIST and form key fields available to show in the search results grid. We added code to allow form-level search record field values in the search results grid. |
- Return to search button now only appears when there is search page setup on the form task.
- The Save button will hide when there is no update task configured for the form type.
- Fixed issue to ensure comment and attachments show as expected when Ad Hoc is enabled.
- Adjustment to fluid result page so that line-level approval routes do not cause an issue with Show Visualizer button.
- Fixed an issue with multiple config segments in one fluid page causing a disconnect between PS and the browser.
- Rework of Accessibility buttons now that main Nav button are not images due to Multi-Language Support.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Styling format off on Delivered Ad Hoc page | Adjusted format for Fluid Header Layout on Delivered Ad Hoc Page |
WorkCenter Side panel Disappearing | Code to stop fluid navigation collection side panel from disappearing when opening fluid forms. |
GT Utilities
- Fixed issue where Admin tool was throwing an error when a form was Recycled and immediately Denied through admin tool.
- Made adjustments to avoid form error from going out of sync with their IB transaction.
- Added Recipient's ID and Recipient's Email to Email Notification Log tab in Admin Tool.
- Fixed issue where emails sent on the same event were not logging with the correct template.
- Updated notification log to capture worklist type.
GT Admin Tool
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
In Admin Tool, on form list tab, sometimes EMPLID key is not populating. | Made updates to ensure EMPLID key is populating as expected. |
Notification Log doesn't update In Error actions | Update to notification logs to include when a form goes into "In Error" status. |
Recycle action sets different status in Admin Tool vs WorkCenter | Label for 'R' status has been updated to "recycled", which gets set when a user recycles the form. |
Admin Tool Actions not updating Last Date/Time and Oprid | Actions taken within the Admin Tool are now updating on the form. Previously, these actions were not being logged. |
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
DB2 Stomp Tool Error | Created a separate SQL definition for different database types. |
- Span Columns CSS class gets retained on Segment rows once set as you move from page to page. Segment CSS classes need to be cleared when moving from page to page as segments get reused from one page to the next.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Fluid segment headings too close to previous segment fields | Adjustment to spacing between end of one segment and header of next segment in Fluid forms. |
Fluid Styling - File Attachments instructions always centered | Adjusted File Attachments segment instructions to honor left/right/center alignment setting. |
Form Transporter
- Adjustment to form transporter to ensure "<>" visual if operator is included in data as expected.
- Fixed the link in "Your form import is complete" email.
- Updated references from “Compare Report” to “Impact Analysis”.
- Added additional fields to “Complete the Import” search from the xml file to use as search keys.
- Added a field on the Form Installation Table to show the version of Form Transporter installed.
- Added a related description for the Selected Form Family on Export step.
Developer Tools, Hooks and Methods
getter for config segments- Added a hook to allow for programmatic re-ordering of dropdown options without having to use a prefix.
- Comma Decimal Placement Conversion Issue
- Created
for Grid Segments - Resolved an issue that could cause an error when saving setup on a step.
- Added Remove method for
class. - Added helper methods created during I-9 development to
- Added
Event Hook to the Framework - Added
Save On Next
option to Framework - Methods
were added toG3SEARCH:SearchMethods
- Created hook to disallow running searches without any search fields filled in.
, don't require CI at the end of C., look for existence of CI in name- Added CI method for scenarios where value is different and is not blank.
- Allow for distinct queues to be created so each queue can be paused or continued independently of each other.
- Created
method forG3FORM:TAGS:Rowset
method that automatically suppresses and unsuppresses field eventsG3FORM:TAGS:RecordTag
method that copies values to itself from a record object- Replaced deprecated
- Created a naming convention setup table to show/hide Navigation Collection links
- Rename delivered file ext list from
- Update
menu to clean up labels.
Issue/Behavior Reported: | Change: |
Create CREF for G3FORM_FL | Created a new content reference so event mapping and related content services can be added to forms. |
Save G3FORM_ATTACH to the database | Added data in G3FORM_ATTACH to allow for queries to show which forms have file attachments. |
Add additional capabilities to support custom populated dropdowns | Allow developers to add items to a dropdown with the AddDropDownItem function without it firing an error when it tries to fire the sql the validate the dropdown. Allow the custom rowset part to be used to populate a dropdown using the AddDropDownItem item. |
Permission List Security
- SQL Trace On option added to
roles. - Updated delivered Service Operations and Web Libraries security to remove unnecessary access.
Related Documentation
All documents are located on the Documentation channel of the new GT Customer Self Service
Team unless otherwise noted. (Look for the Files tab)
Deliverable | Location |
1.1.1 Email Template (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.1 Attachment Administration (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.2 Form Family Table (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.3 Form Installation Table (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.6 AWE Setup (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.7 Email URL Override Table (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.8 Form Admin Tool Security (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.9 Search Configuration (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.10 Search Sets Setup | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
1.2.11 Message Catalog Security Setup (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 1. Functional Setup |
2.4 Form Transporter Utilities (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 2. Technical Setup |
3.0 Form Setup_General (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.1 Form Setup_Pages (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.2 Form Setup_Routings (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.3 Form Setup_Notifications (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.4 Form Setup_Action Items (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.5 Form Setup_Data (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.6 Form Setup_Attachment Descriptions (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.7 Form Setup_Query Records (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.10 Form Setup_GT eForms Admin Tool | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
3.12 Deployment Tool (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 3. Form Setup |
4.1 GT Language Translation Support (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 4. Forms Engine |
4.3 Search Records by Task (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 4. Forms Engine |
4.4 eForm Highlights (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 4. Forms Engine |
4.5 Audit Field Changes (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 4. Forms Engine |
4.6 Currency Code (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 4. Forms Engine |
5.1 Advanced Form Options (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 5. Logic Engine |
6.3 Form Statuses and Actions (updated) | GT eForms Feature Documentation > Section 6. Workflow Engine |
7.1.7 Email Tool (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation < Section 7. Technical Development > 7.1 |
7.1.12 View Environment Images (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation < Section 7. Technical Development > 7.1 |
7.1.15 Message Catalog (NEW) | GT eForms Feature Documentation < Section 7. Technical Development > 7.1 |
Complex Data Pool Joins (NEW) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Configuring the Results Page (updated) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Data Pool & Field Logic (NEW) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Delivered Smartsource Definitions (updated) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Enabling GT Language Support How To (NEW) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Fluid Family Tile on a Homepage Setup (updated) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
GT Dev Debug Tool Guide (NEW) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Managing ePAF Related Actions (NEW) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Pivot Grids – Getting Started (NEW) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Pivot Grid Tips and Tricks (NEW) | Tips N Tricks > Functional |
Queue Override for Form Specific Queues (NEW) | Tips N Tricks > Technical |