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GT eForms 3.50.01 Release Notes

Service Pack 3.50.01 includes 70 fixes and 3 small features. Coinciding with the release of this Service Pack is the completion and posting of 37 new or updated documents for the 3.50.00 release.

The 3.50.01 package is located here: Online GT Library > Documents > Framework Updates > 3.x > R3.50.0 > G3FRM35001_UPG_V01

Implementation Guidelines

Service Pack 3.50.01 must be applied as an update to 3.50.00. If you are on a release prior to 3.50.00, you will need to upgrade to 3.50.00 before applying this Service Pack. 3.50.00 was a large release so it is important to read the 3.50.00 release notes.

How should you prepare to install this Service Pack Release?

  • Review these Notes and evaluate how to best proceed in your environment.
  • Review the Installation Instructions and the Service Pack package
  • Plan to apply this Service Pack and test your forms in a development and test environment prior to moving to production.
  • Contact with any questions. We are here to help!


New Warning Messages When Changing Record Tag

If you are experienced with eForms, you know what a headache it can be when you change record tags and already have logic configured. For new form builders, we have now added a warning message that serves as a caution to make sure you really want to change your record tag (both segment and data pool tags) and, if so, reminds you to update any references to that tag.

Segment Warning

A screenshot with an example of the new segment warning

Data Pool Warning

A screenshot with an example of the new Data Pool warning

Change to Delete Row Buttons on Grid Segments

A change was made for forms to now use the Peoplesoft insert and delete buttons on grid segments. This results in a small change for end users. For 3.50 Helium and Standard forms, now when a user clicks the delete button, they will see the PeopleSoft delivered message to confirm if they would like to delete the row, as shown below.

A screenshot showing an example of the message that fires to warn users when they delete a row from a grid segment


Smart Source Form Descr Deprecated

You may have noticed two Smart Sources for Form Descr and Form Type Descr that both appear in search results. To fix the duplication, the Form Descr Smart Source has been deprecated.

A screenshot showing how both 'Form Descr' and 'Form Type Descr' appeared in searches

In 3.50.00, if you are using the Form Descr Smart Source in your solution (most likely in your email templates), you will get this error:

A screenshot showing the error form users get when they try to use the 'Form Descr' Smart Source now

To address this issue, you can do one of the following:

  1. Update any Smart Sources referencing Form Descr to useForm Type Descr instead
  2. Allow Form Descr to still be used at the solution level by putting the following code in a LogicParts class in your system application package (GT Technical Setup>Custom Application Packages)
method SMARTSRC_FormDescr();

method SMARTSRC_FormDescr
/+ Returns String +/
  1. Allow Form Descr to still be used as a framework customization by uncommenting the Form Descr SmartSource in the G3LOGIC_DELIVERED:SmartSource class
    1. Option 2 is recommended over this to prevent you from having to maintain it as a framework customization
method SMARTSRC_FormDescr();

/*||| 5/3/2022 GTC-2830 START |||*/
<*method SMARTSRC_FormDescr
/+ Returns String +/
/*||| 5/3/2022 GTC-2830 END |||*/

Forms Engine

Column and Grid Config Segments

  • Fixed grid segments to display all rows added to the grid and not have a scroll bar that only shows 4 rows at a time.
  • Resolved errors and calculation issues when deleting rows in a grid.
  • Resolved issue with a grid incorrectly showing on column segments, that should have been hidden
  • Fixed issue on 3.50 Helium forms not maintaining row data marked as the total row on a grid.
  • Fixed issue where PeopleCode that added/deleted rows which resulted in a single row threw an error.
  • The Template Column field options have been modified so that the “Either” option is no longer available for Column segments.
  • Removed the Segment Preview button on the Configuration Segment page.

Attachments Segment

  • Attachment functionality was updated to allow you to properly manage attachments in the Evaluate task. This fix allows you to properly control if form approvers can edit attachments.


  • Fixed issue with the constant value not being saved on a rich text field. Also, provided a fix where a constant can be initialized from a rich text field, using a combination of letters and numbers, without any error message.
  • Fixed issue where initializing a constant value was not looking at the correct number of max characters allowed on the field.
  • Visual ifs parts and groups can no longer be saved with the same name as an existing remembered visual if.
  • Resolved issue where PeopleCode visual ifs that no longer exist were still showing in the Manage Custom Parts page.

Query Records

  • Fixed bug with the form query structures not staying in sync.

Report Setup

  • Fixed error that prevented opening the Get Sample XML window on Form Setup - Report Setup.
  • The print report loop now displays one row of data in the same-named node for grids like it did in Hydrogen.

Deferred Mode Setup

  • Fixed error that did not allow changes to be saved on the Deferred Mode page.
  • Fixed button labels on Deferred Mode page to reflect the Deferred options of On/Off/Calculated instead of Yes/No/Default
  • Resolved issue preventing Deferred Mode page from opening.
  • Updated the size of Deferred Mode field dropdown to fix the Calculated value being cut off visually.


  • Fixed issue with the GTNavButtons custom segment and it now correctly defaults to G3CUSTOM_SEGMENTS:Fluid:NavigationButtons, which fixes the issue with newly created forms throwing an error on submit.
  • The Step and Task titles in the header of an eForm will now wrap their text when the screen is too small, instead of overflowing off the side of the screen. A new styling class was also added to the step title, and the location of the colon in the header was adjusted to account for its placement on mobile devices.
  • Medium-text field values will now wrap where appropriate instead of overflowing off of the page or displaying on top of other fields. This impacts all types of medium-text fields, including edit fields, prompts, and dropdowns. This will affect both column and grid segments and will display properly when viewed on any form factor, including on a mobile device.
  • Fixed issue with rich text field values being wiped out if it is the last field on a form and fixed rich text fields having required configuration be enforced.
  • Fixed bug where Audit Event information was appearing on the ADD task.
  • Fixed issue where forms in-flight that were switched from 3.50 Standard to 3.50 Helium would not display all grid rows in the Update task.
  • Fixed issue with print button not appearing on the Delivered Results Page for 3.50 Standard or 3.50 Helium forms.
  • Fixed bug where error would appear navigating to the Delivered Ad Hoc Page in the Evaluate task.
  • Fixed the tabs in Form Setup to align when you hover over them without making one tab look slightly larger than the others.

Workflow and Notification Engine

  • Step Rosters and Visual Ifs will now look at the correct process definition row. This resolves issues that occurred when the AWE Process Definition had an inactive max effective dated row with a prior row that was active.
  • Resolved issue with duplicate entries showing on the Form Transaction Log after taking form action.

Search and WorkCenter

  • Search fields based on numerical fields within the form will now blank out when the "Clear" button is used on the search page.
  • Fixed an error on 3.50 Standard forms that occurred when clicking Return to Search on any pages after the 1st page of the form.
  • Search Configuration with the EFFDT field in it will now paint/show correctly when returning to the Search from inside a form.
  • Fixed issue on 3.50 Helium and 3.50 standard forms, where if a form was open in the VIEW task and the user was on the Delivered History Page, using the Search button and then reopening the form resulted in the form opening incorrectly to the history page with display issues.
  • After returning to search then reopening a form in VIEW, the user is now taken to the correct pages in the page flow.
  • Resolved issue where framework was not discerning between the different number types when saving search keys.
  • Resolved issue where using search record fields for search/result fields caused severe performance issues.


  • Resolved issue preventing 3.50 standard, fluid forms from opening in the GT eForms Workcenter.
  • Workaround for an Oracle bug when navigating to a Fluid eForm from a Classic page (e.g. Classic Worklist page, Classic WorkCenter).

GT Utilities

GT Admin Tool

  • Fixed bug in the Form Admin Tool with how it deserializes form data.
  • Fixed issue with submitted 3.50 Helium forms unable to open in the Form Admin Tool.


  • Multi-Language is now supported with 3.50 Helium forms.

Form Type Build

  • Improves this form build error message to communicate which class is out of sync between the PSPCMPROG and PSPCMTXT tables and need to be addressed using the process outlined in the 3.50 Helium Tech Reference document:
  • This class doesn’t have any PeopleCode in the PSPCMTXT table: (0,0)
  • Removed environment value from G3BUILDFORM process definition.
  • Fixed issue where Save button on Form Setup - Data tab did not trigger a form build, even when Build Immediately on Save is selected.


  • Removed options for "General Traversal" and "Node Traversal Type" in Network Visualizer.

Deployment Tool

  • On the Deployment Tool, under Additional Settings, for the Advanced Parameters, the link description had been floating off to the right. This issue is now fixed, and the link is aligned to the left side.
  • Updated message text for error when the deploy tool is unable to deploy a form link to a navigation collection or tile.

Form Transporter

  • Resolves an error “Form handler failed due to errorXML parser error CreateXmiDoc Fatal Error” in the form transporter by always pulling the xml chunks in the right sequence.
  • Fixed issue where search configuration data was not included in XML correctly if a form was included in a search set and had a different configuration from the family’s ADD and SHARED searches.
  • Made a change to catch if, on import, the build fails due to a deletion fail on an import with a flawed data set. If caught, it will cause the import to stop and give a meaningful message to help fix the data issue in the Form Admin Tool log.
  • The version number on the GT eForms 3.x Installation Settings page was updated to reflect the correct 3.50 GT Transporter Version.

Security and Message Catalogs

Permission Lists

  • Changed security to grant G3FORMFUNC and G3FORMTECH access to the “URL Override Type” tab on the Email URL Override Table.

Message Catalog

  • Changed the delivered message catalog description (24842) from GT eForms 3.0 Messages to GT eForms Framework.

GT Bolt-Ons

Batch Tool

  • Resolved several issues allowing the Batch Tool to work with 3.50 Helium forms.

Action Center

  • Resolved several issues allowing the Action Center to work with 3.50 Helium forms.
  • Fixed issue where Action Center was not denying forms despite indicating the form was denied.

Technical Fixes

  • API methods from pre-3.50 were developed for 3.50 Helium forms. Implemented methods are:
  • Fixed bugs with JsonObjects for rich text fields.
  • Fixed Popup Controller API code to resolve an error in a popup on a 3.50 Standard form.
  • The Format Type in the Field Format for the fields G3CODE_PROMPT and G3CODE_PROMPT01 was changed from Uppercase back to Mixedcase.
  • A typo in the CSS styling for related fields in column and grid segments has been fixed. The em-dash in psc_reldisp-container was changed to a normal dash.
  • Removed the unnecessary reference to PSDBFIELD in G3SEARCH_VW SQL.
  • Fix to process that updates the Last Update Oprid on G3 objects before release to now also include changes to fields and record fields.
  • Added SQL definitions to G3DEPBLD_OPTDVW and G3NODE_TYPE_DVW Dynamic View Records so they don't show up on audit reports. Also made other changes to clean up the DDD/SYS Audit.
  • An index was added to the G3FORM_WL record to improve query performance. This record is used to map a form to a worklist item.
  • Resolved issue that occurred for SQL Server where G3DEF_MODE_S_VW had an ORDER BY clause in the view that causes a problem and fixed by sorting the page using PPC instead.
  • Added Pushback as an action on G3ACTION_TBL.

GT eForms 3.50 Documentation

All documents are located on the GT Customer Self Service site.

Please Note:

With this release, we have changed the structure of our documentation. Feature documentation will now follow a menu structure that mirrors the PeopleSoft menu structure for the Manage GT eForms 3.x folder. If you are unable to find a document, please email for assistance.

AnnotationsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 1. GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery
Deferred ModeGT eForms Feature Documentation > 1. GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery
Email TemplatesGT eForms Feature Documentation > 1. GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery
Manage Custom PartsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 1. GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery
Roster Engine (Defined Roster Setup, Roster Type Table, and Roster Groups)GT eForms Feature Documentation > 1. GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery
Form Admin Tool SecurityGT eForms Feature Documentation > 1. GT Functional Setup (folder) > GT System Setup
Custom Application PackagesGT eForms Feature Documentation > 2. GT Technical Setup (folder)
Catalog Custom PartsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 2. GT Technical Setup (folder) > Load Parts (3.50 Standard)
ConstantsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 2. GT Technical Setup (folder) > Reference
Custom Segment DefaultsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 2. GT Technical Setup (folder) > Reference
Form PeopleCodeGT eForms Feature Documentation > 2. GT Technical Setup (folder) > Reference
Notification EventsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 2. GT Technical Setup (folder) > Reference
Traversal Pages (General Traversal, Node Traversal, Two Node Traversal, and Traversal Connections)GT eForms Feature Documentation > 2. GT Technical Setup (folder) > Reference
Attachment Population UtilityGT eForms Feature Documentation > 3. GT Utilities (folder)
GT Dev Debug ToolGT eForms Feature Documentation > 3. GT Utilities (folder)
Import TreeGT eForms Feature Documentation > 3. GT Utilities (folder)
Network VisualizerGT eForms Feature Documentation > 3. GT Utilities (folder)
Object Dependency Tools – BetaGT eForms Feature Documentation > 3. GT Utilities (folder)
Form Setup – Action ItemsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup
Form Setup – AttachmentsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup
Form Setup – Data TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup
Form Setup – General TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup
Form Setup – NotificationsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup
Form Setup – Pages TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup
Form Setup – Query RecordsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup
Form Setup – Routings TabGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup
Data PoolGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup > Feature Doc on Data Tab Options Or GT eForms Feature Documentation > 1. GT Functional Setup (folder) > eForm Parts Gallery
Advanced Form OptionsGT eForms Feature Documentation > 5. Form Setup > Information on Advanced Form Options
Form Type BuildGT eForms Feature Documentation > 6. Form Type Build
Form Admin ToolGT eForms Feature Documentation > 7. Form Admin Tool
GT 3 API DocumentationGT eForms Feature Documentation > API
Delivered SmartSource DefinitionTips N Tricks > Functional
3.50 Helium Functional ReferenceTips N Tricks > Functional > 3.50 Helium
3.50 Helium Tech ReferenceTips N Tricks > Technical > 3.50 Helium
3.50 GT eForm Solution Migration GuideTips N Tricks > Technical