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GT eForms Field Properties

GT eForms uses a set of generic fields on its form pages, regardless of which fields are used in the form type setup. The field data and display formats are captured in this document.

Default Field Data and Display Types

When selecting field data types in the segment configuration page the field display types are defaulted and set to only allow those display types that are compatible with that specific data type. Similarly, when a field display type is selected the same process is run for the field data types. The graphic below illustrates which fields are valid and which are defaulted for field data and display types.

Default Data Types by Display Type

Display TypeDefault Data TypeOther Valid Data Types
CurrencyTwo DecimalInteger, Large Number
DropdownCodeInteger, Medium Text, Short Text
EditMedium TextCode, Integer, Large Number, Long Text, Short Text, Two Decimal
InstructionsLong Text
PromptMedium TextCode, Integer, Short Text
Rich TextLong Text

Default Display Types by Data Type

Data TypeDefault Display TypeOther Valid Display Types
CodeDropdownButton, Checkbox, Edit, Link, Prompt
Long TextEditInstructions, Rich Text
Medium TextEditDropdown, Prompt
Short TextEditDropdown, Prompt
IntegerEditDropdown, Prompt, Currency
Two DecimalEditCurrency
Large NumberEditCurrency

Field Data Type Length

The following tables show the length of each field by data type.

Text Fields

Data TypeLength (characters)Details
Code4Maximum is 4 characters to allow for translate values.
Long TextN/A
Medium Text100
Short Text30

Date/Time Fields

Data TypeLength (characters)Details
Date10Displayed as MM/DD/YYYY
Time15Displayed as HH:MI with AM/PM immediately following

Number Fields

Data TypeLength (characters)Details
Integer31Can not be a negative number
Two Decimal*29.2This number can be a negative number
Large Number*25.6This number can be a negative number

Above, you see that Two Decimal and Large Number fields have respective length limits of 29.2 and 25.6.

This means the following:

  • Fields with the Two Decimal data type can have 29 characters before the decimal and 2 characters after the decimal
  • Fields with the Large Number data type can have 25 characters before the decimal and 6 characters after the decimal

Selected Fields

The system will create generic fields using the formats and field lengths shown above.

If a user picks a field with 10 characters, the system will use a Short Text field because it is the smallest generic field that can accommodate that. A 2-character field will end up being a Code field even though Code can hold 5 characters. A number with 4 decimals will end up being a Large Number because it has 6 decimals.

Even if a field technically allows up to 2 characters, users may enter more characters due to the use of a generic field, but the system will fire a validation warning them of the actual field character limit.