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Routings Tab

The Routings tab is where you set up automatic approval workflow for your form. Usually paper forms must go to several people for approval. The Routings tab can be set up to replicate that approval flow.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup - Routings tab


The Routings Tab associates a PeopleSoft Approval Engine (AWE) Definition ID with the form type. See the AWE Configuration Settings document for more information.           

A screenshot of the Routings tab in Form Setup

Form Type and DescriptionDisplays the form type ID and description for reference
ConditionEach form will have a default condition. Additional conditions can be configured by using the plus button.
Copy (button)Copy the current condition
Paste (button)Paste the copied condition
Revert (button)Revert the condition to the default
Definition IDSelects the Approval Process Definition ID

Gideon Taylor delivers the GT Basic Process ID with several Definition ID options for a one stage, one path approval path. GT Basic options can be used in combination with participation rosters. (GT advises against using the GT delivered Process and Definitions outright. They are delivered to facilitate install/update validation in certain cases and may be used as templates. Custom Process IDs/Definition IDs should be configured for client use.)

If blank, form will not route for workflow
DateThe effective date of the Approval Process Definition
Create/Edit Definition ID (link)Opens PeopleSoft Approval Process Definitions
Reload Approval Definition (link)Reloads the current approval definition including any changes
Enable GT Auto ApprovalsCheck this box to configure a Roster to auto approve a step
Routing VisualA visual representation of the routing
Stage – Dark Blue
Path – Light Blue
Step – Orange
DescriptionProcess Definition ID description
Form TaskThe form task used at that step. The Evaluate form task is the most used.
RostersDisplays User List or Roster description
Roster IconClick this icon to configure a Roster for an approval step. Refer to the Roster Engine section for detailed instructions on how to set one up.
Allowed Auto ApproversDisplays User List of Roster description
Roster IconClick this icon to configure a Roster for an auto approval of this step. Refer to the Configuring Auto Approval document for detailed instructions on how to set one up.
Visual IfConfigures a Visual If Expression. Refer to Visual If section for detailed instructions on how to configure.
CopyCopies the current path/step
PastePastes the copied path/step
RevertReverts the path/step to the default
Run Form Build / Build Detail (Link)Form Build Option set to “Build Immediately on Save” – No link will appear.

Form Build Option set to “Save Without Building” – The link “Run Form Build” will appear and when selected will open the Form Type Build component in a modal window.

Form Build Option set to “Schedule Build on Save” – The link “Build Detail” will appear and when selected will open the Form Type Build component in a modal window.

Note: Review the Form Type Build feature document for more information.