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Reports Setup Tab

The Report Setup tab allows users to create a GT report name and associate a pre-configured PeopleSoft report and template with it.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup - Report Setup

The Report Setup tab is the last tab on the Form Type Table. Users may have to use the right arrow, located next to the tabs at the top of the screen, to see the Report Setup tab.

a screenshot of the Report Setup tab

Form TypeDisplays the current Form Type
Form ConditionIdentifies form conditions. Users may set up reports per form condition and/or add multiple reports per form condition.
GT Report NameThe name entered here will appear to the eForm user after clicking the Print button. Enter a unique GT Report Name.
<Select XML>
Opens a prompt window. The Default XML option will be available for all forms. When custom XML schemes are created for clients, they will be available here for selection.
XML Generator NameDisplays the XML scheme selected in the previous step
Report NameField where the user enters or searches for the Report Name
Note: Configuring Reports in PeopleSoft is not covered in this feature document. Refer to Reports Setup How to Guide or Oracle documentation for more information on this process.
Template IDField where the user enters or searches for the appropriate Template ID associated with the Report Name in the previous step
<Get Sample XML>
Opens a window to load eForm XML data (see explanation below)

Get Sample XML button

The Get Sample XML button is provided as a straighforward way to load and copy sample eForm data to use when creating a BI Publisher template.

A screenshot showing the steps to get sample xml

1Form ID LookupClick to search for available sample forms.
2Form ID Lookup WindowDisplays all initiated Form instances for the Form Type. Select a Form ID link.
Note: In order get sample XML data for a form type, at least one eForm must be initiated
3Get Sample ButtonClick to load sample XML data for the Form ID selected above.

Sample XML

A screenshot showing the windows used to get sample xml

The image above displays sample XML from an eForm, which may be copied and pasted into an appropriate application and saved as an XML file. This XML may be used to create a BI Publisher Report.

When Reports are set, users will have access to print the report from a form type’s View and Evaluate tasks. Users will also have access to the Print button on the Delivered Result page, which is typically used at the end of the Add, Evaluate, and Update tasks.

Navigation for GT WorkCenter Users: GT eForms WorkCenter > View a [Form Type] form

1Report Name (Dropdown)Displays the list of GT Report Names configured for the form type and condition. Use the menu to select a report to print.
2<Print Report> (Button)Button used to generate PDF report in a new browser tab or window. Use the PDF controls to view, download, save, print and/or email the report.
Note: Verify that pop-ups are not blocked for this URL
Button used to return to View mode and close the print window.
Example PDF Report
a screenshot of a sample PDF report