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Action Items Tab

The Action Items tab is where you set up alerts to notify users about a variety of items that need to be brought to their attention. Action Items configured on an eForm will require a user to either acknowledge a checkbox or enter a comment, depending on the setting selected.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup - Action Items


Below are some functional rules about action items:

  • Action items are loaded based on form type, condition, task, and visual if
  • Action items are loaded regardless of whether an action item was previously acknowledged for that task
  • The action item section in a form shows action items that require acknowledgment by the current user
  • The action item section in the form results page and the form history page show all action items acknowledged by any user
  • Previously acknowledged action items will continue to show in the action item history grid even after a resubmit, recycle, withdrawal, or deny
  • An Evaluate action item with a visual if that returns true (or no visual if), will be added to every approver unless controlled by the visual if logic
  • Action items require acknowledgement before navigating away from a page
  • Action items do not require acknowledgement before denying, withdrawing, or recycling a form
  • Checkbox action items are stamped when last checked (users can check or uncheck)
  • Comment action items are stamped when the comment was last updated (users can make changes up until they submit)

A screenshot of the Action Items tab in Form Setup

Form TypeDisplays the form type name for reference
DescriptionDisplays the form type description set on the General Tab
Message Catalog (button)Message Catalog setup page opens in a new tab where message catalog messages can be modified.
ConditionEach form will have a default condition. Additional conditions can be configured by using the plus button.
CopyCopies the current condition
PastePastes the copied condition
RevertReverts the condition to the default
Form TaskSelect the form task to associate with the action item
CopyCopies the current form task
PastePastes the copied form task
RevertReverts the form task to the default
Sequence NumberDetermines the order in which action items appear if multiple action items are displayed on a form. Enter the sequence numbers of the action items to order them. The lower the number, the higher the action item appears on the form. If there is only one action item, the sequence number can be ‘1’.
Message Set NumberEnter the message set number from the PeopleSoft message catalog where the form message text can be found
Message NumberEnter the message number from the PeopleSoft message catalog where form message text can be found
SeverityWill auto-populate from the message catalog
Message Display FormatChoose whether users will acknowledge an action item by either entering comments or marking a checkbox
Message TextWill auto-populate from the message catalog.

The message configured here will display to the eForm user next to the required Action Item.
Visual IfClicking on this icon will bring up the Visual If Expression setup. Refer to Visual If section for detailed instructions on how to configure.

A Visual If will control when the Action Item appears to the effort user.
CopyCopies the current action item
PastePastes the copied action item
RevertReverts the action item to the default
Run Form Build / Build Detail (Link)Form Build Option set to Build Immediately on Save – No link will appear.

Form Build Option set to Save Without Building – The linkRun Form Build will appear and when selected will open the Form Type Build component in a modal window.

Form Build Option set to Schedule Build on Save – The link Build Detail will appear and when selected will open the Form Type Build component in a modal window.

Note: Review the Form Type Build feature document for more information.

Action Items Tracking

Checkboxes and comments are tracked by Operator Id and timestamped. Tracked action items can be reviewed on the View Task Form History page.

A screenshot of the Action item Log