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General Tab - Advanced Settings

Ad Hoc Functionality

This feature makes it possible for users to specify additional approvers for an eForm.

Default Ad Hoc is Off

By default, the ad hoc functionality is disabled on the visualizer:

A screenshot of the Visualizer without the 'Ad Hoc' functionality

Turning on Ad Hoc

You can enable it on the form type table ‘General’ tab.

Navigate: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup

On the General tab, select the check box for ‘Enable Ad Hoc Approvals’

Save your change.

Enabling Ad Hoc in the Evaluate task prior to approval

GT has a delivered page that can be inserted prior to the ‘Delivered Result Page’. This page will be the last page an approver sees before making an evaluation decision. It makes it possible for the approver to ad hoc to a user immediately following their approval action. If this page is not used, then the form will route to the next person in the defined process after approval and steps can only be added after that point. This is an option page, but one that is encouraged.

To add the ‘Delivered AdHoc Page’ use the following instructions:

Navigate: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup – Pages Tab

In the Evaluation Task grid click on the A plus icon button to add a line immediately prior to the row containing the ‘Delivered Result Page’. In most cases the new row should be the second to last page on the form for that task.

A screenshot of hte 'Workcenter Link Label' section in the Pages Tab of Form Setup

A new line will appear. Fill in the “Step Title” with the description that you would like to display at the top of the page, for example, “Ad Hoc”.

A screenshot of hte 'Workcenter Link Label' section in the Pages Tab of Form Setup

Be sure to select the “Save” Button.

Adding Ad Hoc Notifications

Notifications for ad hoc approvers need to be added. "All Steps" notifications will not be sent to ad hoc approvers. The option to select the ‘Step Task’ check box cannot be used because ad hoc users on not on the routings tab. You will need to select the form task, which will generally be evaluate.

You can enable it on the form type table Notifications tab.

A screenshot of the Notifications Tab of Form Setup with options configured to deliver notifications for Ad Hoc approvers

Fill in “Ad Hoc” in the blank “approval Step”.

Notification event will generally be set to Routed.

Select notification type and email ID (if email notification is selected.

Also verify that “Use Step Task” is not selected for the “Ad Hoc User.

Select “Save”

Approval Path

When the check box on the general tab is selected, the plus buttons in visualizer on the results page and the Ad Hoc page will show:

A screenshot of a form Results page with the Ad Hoc routing section displayed

Save routing changes must be clicked or the ad hoc steps will not be saved.

A screenshot of the Ad Hoc menu with the 'Save Routing Changes' button at the bottom of the screen

This how ad hoc approvals will show in the log:

A screenshot of the Ad Hoc menu with Ad Hoc approvals shown in the Transaction/Signature log

Adding an ad hoc step on the form

Click on the A 'plus' icon to open the ad hoc window.

The “Insert Additional Approver or Reviewer” window pops up.

A screenshot of the 'Insert Additional Approver or Reviewer' window

Search for and select the additional approver.

A screenshot of the 'Insert as Approver' option selected in the Ad Hoc menu

Be sure to select Approver and then Insert.

The result window returns with the additional approver.

A screenshot of the 'Save Routing Changes' button in the Ad Hoc menu

Be sure to select “Save Routing Changes”

The inserted approver is now displayed in the visualizer.

Audit Field Changes

The Audit Field Changes feature means that if a field is changed in a task other than ADD, then it will create a system comment on the form to note the changes that were made. It will track all the many versions throughout the lifecycle of the form and display those changes in the Comments section.

Audit Field Changes Enabled

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup > General tab

A screenshot of the General Tab of Form Setup with the 'Audit Field Changes' checkbox activated

Using on eforms

When enabled and changes are made on a task other than ADD the following details are noted within the comments section of the form. A separate Audit Event will be noted for any field’s value that changed.

  • OPRID of the user who made the change
  • Data and timestamp of the change
  • Field that change was made
  • Original Value of the field that was changed. If the field was blank, there would be no value shown.
  • New Value of the value the field was changed to
  • Segment record tag where the field that was changed is located
  • Field Details shows the record tag and field label of the field that was changed.
    A screenshot of a form comment section showing two audit events

Currency Code

The currency code can be chosen on each individual form type. When used in conjunction with a currency field type, the selected Currency Code will display the currency symbol in the field and enforce the decimal position associated with the code.

Enabling Currency Code on Form Type

Selecting the Currency Code

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup > General tab

Select a currency code by using the prompt lookup on the currency code field. The field defaults to United States dollars (USD).

A screenshot of the General Tab of Form Setup with the 'Currency Code' field highlighted

A screenshot of the available currency codes and display types

Currency code lookup prompt

If the current code is populated in the General tab, the applicable symbol and decimal placement will be used in fields that are set to a currency field type.

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup > Pages tab > (open the page and segment the currency field will be displayed on).

Click on the (+) button to add a new field to the segment and select currency as the field display type.

Once currency is indicated as the Field Display Type, there are 3 applicable Field Data Types to select from.

IntegerOnly allows a whole number up to 31 characters in length. Will not allow any decimal places.
2 DecimalAllows for 2 decimal places. Characters prior to the decimal place has maximum length of 29.
Large NumberAllows for up to 6 decimal places. Characters prior to the decimal place has a maximum length of 25. The decimal place is determined by the decimal places indicated on the CURRENCY_CD_TBL. For example: the currency code USD is set to 2 decimal places so this field will be limited to 2 decimal places.

A screenshot of a Segment Configuration meny with 'Currency' selected as the Field Display Type and applicable Field Data Type selected

Decimal Restriction on Large Number Data Type

The currency control field G3CURRENCY_CD restricts the decimal place. The value of the currency control field should be the name of a currency entry in the PS_CURRENCY_CD_TBL, which defines a currency symbol, thousands delimiter character, decimal character, integer positions, decimal positions and scale positions. The value for this field is constrained by the most restrictive of that format and the field’s format. For example: the currency code USD is set to 2 decimal places so this field will be limited to 2 decimal places.

If using Update When a Source Changes or Initialize from the Data Pool, the decimal place is also enforced based on the currency code selected and the value will be rounded up to meet the decimal restriction. For example, if the Peoplesoft value is 55.555, the field will display to $55.56.

Using the Currency Code

When the form is launched, the selected currency code’s symbol will now be displayed in the field. Users can either delete all contents in the field to type the numerical character or enter the character after the currency symbol. After tabbing out of the field or moving to another field, the field will refresh and display the characters in the field with the currency symbol.


Users should not enter numerical characters in front of the currency symbol as the field will display an error.

The screenshot below shows a fluid eForm from the WorkCenter showing the currency fields in USD

A screenshot of a fluid form from the WorkCenter showing currency fields in USD

eForm Highlights

The Highlights feature on GT eForms 3.x allows users to view changes made to a form after it is opened. When Highlights is enabled, fields will be highlighted when changed from blank to a value, or when a prepopulated (initialized) value is changed to another value after the form is opened.

Show Highlights

See the Form Setup – General Tab document for more information about showing Highlights.

Working with Highlights in the Form

When Show Highlights is checked on the Form Setup page, it will make the Highlight controls visible on the eForm for all tasks: Add, Update, Evaluate and View.

  • To view Highlights, make a change to a form field.

A screenshot of the GT eForm 'Highlights and Versions' controls

Button ControlAction
Highlights On/Off buttonOn – default form view, highlights in yellow any form field changed after the form was opened
Off – no yellow highlights will be visible if a form field has been changed after the form was opened
Disabled – when viewing the original version of a form
Versions <\>Toggles between versions of an eForm. Click the arrow to scroll through versions and view updates made to an eForm. Currently supports original and current versions.
GT eForm with a Highlighted field
A screenshot of a GT eForm with a highlighted field
GT eForm Original Version
A screenshot of an original version of a GT eForm

Language Translation Support

GT Language Translation Support adds language translation configuration options to GT eForms for clients using GT eForms Framework 3.10.02 and greater. When alternate languages are setup, this feature enables users to experience GT eForms in their session language. Full GT eForms translation can be accomplished using a combination of GT eForms configuration described in this document and delivered PeopleSoft Translation pages.

GT Language Configuration

The following sections describe language translation configuration features.

Enable Language Config

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup > General tab

Click the checkbox to enable language configuration on form setup pages. Language translation options are hidden unless this box is checked.

A screenshot of the General Tab of Form Setup with the &#39;Enable Language Config&#39; checkbox activated

Form Condition Translation

Translate the following features:

  • Task Title
  • Page Title
  • Page Instructions

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup > Pages tab

Languages Button

Click the Languages button to open Task and Page translation.


Base language for form setup may not be English.

A screenshot of the &#39;Languages&#39; button on the Pages Tab of Form Setup

Languages (button)Opens translation for related GT configuration
Page Language Setup – Language Selection

Select a language to translate task and page titles and instructions then click Search.

A screenshot of the search menu for &#39;Page Language Setup&#39;

Language CodeDropdown displays a list of languages supported by PeopleSoft Translation pages
Page Language Setup – Language Translation

Enter task and page title translations for selected language. Click the Instructions icon to translate instructions.

A screenshot of the menu that allows users to provide translations for page elements in the &#39;Page Language Setup&#39; menu

Task Title Language ValueTranslated value for Task Title
Page Label Language ValueTranslated value for Page Title
Page Language Setup – Instructions Translation

Click the instructions icon on language translation screen to open. Translate Instructions to selected language.

A screenshot of the menu that allows users to provide a translation for instructions found on pages in Form Setup

Instructions Language ValueTranslated value for page instructions

Form Segment and Field Translation

Translate the following features:

  • Segment Label
  • Segment Instructions
  • Field Labels

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup > Pages tab > Segment setup

Languages Button

Click the Languages button to open segment and field translation.

A screenshot of the &#39;Languages&#39; button in the Segment Configuration menu of Form Setup

Segment Language Setup – Language Selection

Select a language to translate segment and field titles and instructions then click Search.

A screenshot of the search page that appears in the Segment Language Setup menu

Language CodeDropdown displays a list of languages supported by PeopleSoft Translation pages
Segment Language Setup – Segment translation

Enter segment label instructions translation for selected language.

A screenshot of the menu that allows users to provide translations for instructions that appear in segments on an eForm

Segment Label Language ValueTranslated value for Segment Label
Segment Instructions Language ValueTranslated value for Segment Instructions
Segment Language Setup – Field Labels tab

Enter Field label translations.

  • Field labels can also be translated in App Designer > Translate Designer; however, label configuration on this page will override values in App Designer.
  • The Default Labels button will overwrite configuration on this page with values defined in App Designer.
  • Saving translations configuration on the Segment Language Setup page does not update App Designer objects.
  • Field label configuration affects only the form type on which they are configured.

A screenshot of the menu that allows users to provide translations for Field Labels in an eForm segment

Default Labels buttonLoads existing PeopleSoft field label translations, if any.
Field Label Language ValueTranslated value for Field Name

Email Template Translation

Translate the following features:

  • Email Subject
  • Email Body

Navigation: Manage GT eForms 3.x > eForm Parts Gallery > Email Templates

Languages Button

Click the Languages button to open email template translation.

A screenshot of the &#39;Languages&#39; button that appears in the &#39;GT Email Template&#39; menu

Email Template Language Setup – Language Selection

Select a language to translate email template subject and message body then click Search.

A screenshot of the search page that appears for Language configuration in GT Email Templates

Language CodeDropdown displays a list of languages supported by PeopleSoft Translation pages
Email Template Language Setup – Subject and Message Translation

Enter subject and message text translation for the selection language.

A screenshot of the menu that allows users to provide translations for the subject and message fields of a GT Email Template

Subject Language ValueTranslated field for email subject
Message Text Language ValueTranslated value for Message Text

Future Features

Translations for other GT eForm features are planned for future releases. These features include:

  • Defined Attachment Descriptions
  • Defined Attachment Instructions
  • Family Landing Page Text
  • Form ID form label
  • Comments Segment Date Stamp
  • Field Audit Changes
  • Page level instructions on non-default conditions
  • Multiple Approvers link text
  • Custom Worklist labels
  • Help URL Text
  • Print Report Descriptions
  • Non-Default Conditions