Search Records by Task
GT eForms may be configured with up to four (4) user tasks: Add, Evaluate, Update and View. All form types must have an Add and a View task. Forms with an approval workflow will require an Evaluate task. An Update task is suggested if you want to allow users to save forms for later, make changes while the form is pending for approval, or if you want evaluators to send forms back (aka recycle) to initiators to make changes and resubmit.
- Add – creates a new form instance. A distinct Add task is generated for every form type, as well as for additional conditions on form types. By default, the Add task does not have a search page, and opens directly to a form instance.
- Evaluate – allows users to act on a form and advance a form along the approval workflow (or terminate a form). There is one Evaluate task per form family.
- Update – allows users to make changes to a form already in progress. There is one Update task per form family.
- View – allows users to view a form in display-only format. There is one View task per form family.
These tasks will only return form types/conditions where the user has access to the task participation roster.
The search fields available for each task (Add, Evaluate, Update, and View) can be customized for all tasks or for individual tasks.
Default Search Settings
By default, tasks are delivered with certain search settings:
- Add – no delivered search settings. Without a search record defined, the Add tasks/condition will open directly to the form
- Evaluate – default search configuration
- Update – default search configuration
- View – default search configuration
Default Search Configuration
The Evaluate, Update and View tasks share a delivered search page for all forms in the family. The delivered search page uses the following General Fields as Search Fields:
- Form ID
- Form Type
- Form Status
And the following General Fields as Result Fields:
- Form ID
- Form Type
- Form Status
- Original Operator
- Original Date
- Last Operator
- Last Date
A selection of Search Record Fields and Form Fields are also defaulted. To change the default configuration, see the Search Page Configuration section below.
A search using the Evaluate, Update, and View tasks will return results for all forms created in the “ADD” task for the form family. Other form types can be filtered out using the “Form Type” search field.
Delivered Search Security
All forms and tasks/conditions are first subject to restriction by Participation Rosters. Users will only see an Add link/Condition link if the associated Participation Roster is blank or a user is specified on a roster. The Evaluate, Update and View tasks may be restricted with Participation Rosters as well; however, if a user can Add at least one form in a family, then they will still see the Evaluate, Update and View tasks in that family but with search results restricted to the form types they have access to only.
All tasks in a family will return only the form types within that family.
The delivered search page will return different results based on the task:
- Evaluate: returns only forms for which the User ID is a pending approver on a routed form
- Update: returns forms in Active statuses. Active form statuses include the following:
- S = Signed
- H = On Hold
- I = In Error
- P = Pending
- R = Partially Approved
- L = Saved
- Not Included are final, or non-active statuses
- A = Authorized
- D = Denied
- E = Executed
- W = Withdrawn
- View: returns all forms in the family, in any status
Search Record Configuration
If the delivered search functionality is not sufficient for a form type or family, then search specific records can be configured for each form and task. Configuring search records allows for specific search fields and added search security. Any delivered or custom record may be configured as a search record.
Navigation: Main Menu > Manage GT eForms 3.x > Form Setup > Data > Search Settings
Click the down arrow to expand the Search Settings area.
Field | Description |
Search Task | Select the task for which the search record will apply: Add, Default, Evaluate, Update, View. Note: Default means the Default Condition, and the settings will apply to all tasks under the condition |
Search Record | Select a record that will be the basis of the search. Use a delivered PS record, or a custom search record. |
Force Search Set Access | Forces search set rules no matter how a user is accessing the form. |
Access Priority | Use this to define how security and search records should behave if a user tries to access the form via an ambiguous link (one that specifies form type, condition, and task but NOT family/searchset). Behave as if access via the family, or via the search set |
Custom Search Records
While delivered PeopleSoft records may be used as search records, frequently it is most useful to design a custom search record to achieve the desired key structure and search security. Below are some common scenarios where custom search records are required:
- Users must not be able to search for themselves
- Managers may only search for their direct reports
- Administrators may search for anyone
- Only active employees are returned
Custom search records may be developed by a technical resource and configured by task, as in the section above.
Special Fields
The following fields receive special treatment when used on Custom Search Records:
– will default to logged in user. Use Search Page Configuration to hide from end users.EFFDT
– will default to current date and be hidden in Search Page Configuration by default.EFFSEQ
– no default value on search. Hidden in Search Page Configuration by default.
Search Record Behavior by Task
Below is a description of what to expect from each search record by search task:
- Search record key fields will show as search fields and list box items as results
- The Data Pool uses the Add task search record for initialize functionality
- This will control the fields that can be used to join search fields to data pool records. Forms which use different search records cannot, therefore, share a data pool
- A search record on the Add task impacts the keys of a form:
- If no search record exists, then the key fields are defined by Search Page Configuration (keys can change if configuration changes)
- If a search record is configured, then the search record key fields also become form type key fields
- Default search records will apply to all tasks, including the Add task
- Task specific settings will override the default setting
- Retains all features of the default Evaluate task search, plus adds ability to search for forms by search key fields
- List box item fields will also be displayed in results grid
- If there are multiple forms in the same family, then key fields for all fields appear
- Pay special attention to designing forms families with similar forms
- Adds additional search by and result fields to the default search fields