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GT Analytics

GT Analytics™ provides a simple way to monitor the workflow queues associated with eForms. This powerful tool searches eForms based on criteria such as form type and status, date ranges, participants, etc. and shows summary charts and eForm details of the search results. Charts give a visual picture of your automated processes, with graphical comparisons to the broader organization.


This BoltOn was developed for GT eForms 3.3x and has not been tested or updated for GT eForms 3.50.00 or subsequent versions. There is a Solution Template called 'PeopleSoft Insights for GT eForms' which is currently under development and will fill the role of GT Analytics for versions of GT eForms above 3.50.00. Clients interested in either of these solutions should reach out to

Users access the reports from the GT eForms Workcenter, which is also where forms are created and managed. Depending on access levels, users can see reports for forms they created or admin level forms.

Screenshot GT eForms WorkCenter

Users can click on the chart to drill into form details.

Screenshot Pivot Grid Drilldown

Additional prompts can be accessed by clicking on the gear icon under the form heading and selecting Prompt.

Screenshot Additional prompts


Any user with access to the WorkCenter will be able to access the Reports tab. Under the Reports tab, all users will be able to access the My Reports family that will show the My eForms link and associated reports. However, in order to see the GT Analytics family and associated reports, a user must have the GT Analytics User role, or the permission list associated with the GT Analytics role.

GT Analytics User Role

The GT Analytics User role uses the G3ANALYTICS permission list. This permission list grants access to several necessary components, as well as a Query Access Group.

Query Access Group
Screenshot Permission List Access groups

This query access group contains all the tables used in compiling the analytics reports and is required to access the reports on each report link.

Reports Tab

My eForms

The My eForms link shows all forms originated by the current user. The report can be filtered by form status, form type, or key field search.

My eForms
Screenshot My eForms


The Filters segment allows the user to filter based on Form Types, Form Status and Form Key.

  • Form Types – only form types submitted by the user will be available in this section. All forms will be enabled by default.
  • Form Status – allows users to show a count of forms in a certain form status. Counts appear in the eForm Counts section below.
  • Form Key Search – use this field to search for a particular value amongst form key data.
    • Use the Admin Tool/Form List tab to identify form key fields
My eForms Filters
Screen shot filters section

eForm Counts

The eForm Counts segment shows the results from the form filters above. This grid shows counts of the selected form types in the selected status.

eForm Counts with all statuses
Screenshot Form Summary Window

eForm Details

The eForm Details grid shows a list of all the forms matching the filter criteria. The column headings have the ability to be sorted (except the columns for Update and View since they are links). The three columns for Form Keys shows the first 3 form keys for each form. Note that some form keys will not necessarily be populated.

If an icon is available in the Update and/or View columns, then the user may click the icon to open the form in update or view mode, respectively.

GT Analytics Tab

This section describes delivered functionality for each Analytics report.

eForms in Error

Shows the count of forms that are currently in an error by form type. The report can be filtered by form type and date range.

Screenshot eForms in Error

Filters and Options

Use filters and options to adjust the chart output. Available filters appear in the filter window at the top of the screen. Click the options menu (cog wheel icon) to select from additional options (below). Filters and options are user-specific.


Prompt on original date to restrict the results from the origination date of the form.

View Grid:

Click this option to see the chart data in grid format.

Screenshot grid format

Type FilterDefaults to all form types. Use this dropdown to change the form selection. Select one or more form types and click the OK button to refresh the output.
Screenshot Type Filter
Results GridShows the count totals for forms in error.
Form ID (Count)Click on the count total to drill into a summary list of forms in error (see image above)
Grid DrilldownView Form ID, Form Type, Condition, Type Filter, Originator and Last Operator. Screenshot Form Summary Window
Export Data

Click this option to export report results to an Excel table.

Chart Options

Click this option to change certain chart details.

Screenshot User Charting Options

TitleAdd a chart title
SubtitleAdd a chart subtitle
FooterAdd a chart footer
TypeChange chart type
X-AxisChange the criteria for the x-axis
X-Axis labelChange x-axis label
Y-AxisChange the criteria for the y-axis
Y-Axis labelChange the y-axis label
SeriesChoose a different data set to display on the chart


Default DimensionsDefaults to ON with a defined height and width. Uncheck the dimensions checkbox to adjust the height and width.
Default Y-Axis PrecisionUncheck the box to add decimal level precision to the y-axis
LegendChange the orientation of the chart legend. Choose bottom, right, left, none, or top
Exploded PieFor pie chart types, check this box to show each section of the pie as distinct

Click to save new chart options.

Chart Views

Click the chart icons to quickly change the chart type.

Screenshot Chart Type options

Click on a chart section, then click “Detailed View” to drill into the summary of the data within that section. Note that the summary table appears the same as the summary table from the grid drilldown.

Screenshot Chart View – Detailed View Option

Age From Last Action

This chart shows pending forms grouped by the amount of time since the last action was taken. The report can be filtered by form status, form type, age filter and date range.

Screenshot Age from last action

Filters and Options

Use filters and options to adjust the chart output. Available filters appear in the filter window at the top of the screen. Click the options menu (cog wheel icon) to select from additional options (below). Filters and options are user-specific.


Prompt on original date to restrict the results from the origination date of the form.

View Grid:

Click this option to see the chart data in grid format.

Screenshot chart data in grid format

Form TypeDefaults to all form types. Use this dropdown to change the form selection. Select one or more form types and click the OK button to refresh the output.
Form StatusDefaults to all statuses. Use this dropdown to change the status selection.
Age FilterDefaults to all date ranges. Use this dropdown to change the age range selection.
Results GridShows the total forms in the selected status by age range.
Form ID (Count)Click on the count total to drill into a summary list of forms in error (see image above)
Grid DrilldownGrid view shows Form Count, Form Type, Form Status, Original Date, Originator, Last Date, Last Operator, Last Age, Current Age and Age Filter. Screenshot grid drilldown
Export Data:

Click this option to export report results to an Excel table.

Chart Options

Click this option to change certain chart details, as seen in images in “eForms in Error” section above.


Click to save new chart options.

Chart Views

Use the chart type icons to change the chart view. Click on any segment of the chart to see a detailed view of that chart data. Icons same as image shown in “eForms in Error” section above.

Age From Origination

Shows pending forms grouped by the amount of time since the form was created. The report can be filtered by form status, form type, age filter and date range.

Screenshot Age from Origination

Filters and Options

Use filters and options to adjust the chart output. Available filters appear in the filter window at the top of the screen. Click the options menu (cog wheel icon) to select from additional options (below). Filters and options are user-specific.


Prompt on original date to restrict the results from the origination date of the form.

View Grid:

Click this option to see the chart data in a grid format.

Screenshot Grid view of age from origination data

Form TypeDefaults to all form types. Use this dropdown to change the form selection. Select one or more form types and click the OK button to refresh the output.
Form StatusDefaults to all statuses. Use this dropdown to change the status selection.
Age FilterDefaults to all date ranges. Use this dropdown to change the age range selection.
Results GridShows the count totals of forms since their origination.
Form ID (Count)Click on the count total to drill into a summary list of forms in error.
Grid DrilldownGrid view shows Form ID, Form Type, Form Status, Original Date, Originator, Age, Age Group, Age Filter, Last Date, and Last Operator. Screenshot Grid Drilldown
Export Data:

Click this option to export report results to an Excel table.

Chart Options

Click this option to change certain chart details, as seen in images in “eForms in Error” section above.


Click to save new chart options.

Chart Views

Use the chart type icons to change the chart view. Click on any segment of the chart to see a detailed view of that chart data. Icons same as image shown in “eForms in Error” section above.

Error Rates

Shows percentage of eForms that have been in an Error status at some point, including forms that are no longer in an error status. The report can be filtered by form type and age range. Forms with a high percentage could indicate an issue that may need to be addressed in the Component Interface.

Screenshot Error Rates

Filters and Options

Use filters and options to adjust the chart output. Available filters appear in the filter window at the top of the screen. Click the options menu (cog wheel icon) to select from additional options (below). Filters and options are user-specific.

This chart does not have a prompt option.


Prompt on original date to restrict the results from the origination date of the form.

View Grid:

Click this option to see the chart data in grid format.

Screenshot Grid view of error rate data

Form TypeDefaults to all form types. Use this dropdown to change the form selection. Select one or more form types and click the OK button to refresh the output.
Age FilterDefaults to all date ranges. Use this dropdown to change the age range selection.
Results GridShows the count totals for forms error rates by date range.
Form ID (Count)Click on the count total to drill into a summary list of forms in error.
Grid DrilldownGrid view shows Form Type, Age Group, Error Count, Count, Error Rate, Type Filter, and Age Filter. Screenshot Pivot Grid Drilldown

Export Data:

Click this option to export report results to an Excel table.

Chart Options

Click this option to change certain chart details, as seen in images in “eForms in Error” section above.


Click to save new chart options.

Chart Views

Use the chart type icons to change the chart view. Click on any segment of the chart to see a detailed view of that chart data. Icons same as image shown in “eForms in Error” section above.

Form Type Distribution

Shows total form count by form type. The report can be filtered by form status, form type and date range.

Screenshot Form Type Distribution

Filters and Options

Use filters and options to adjust the chart output. Available filters appear in the filter window at the top of the screen. Click the options menu (cog wheel icon) to select from additional options (below). Filters and options are user-specific.


Prompt on original date to restrict the results from the origination date of the form.

View Grid:

Click this option to see the chart data in grid format.

Screenshot View grid data on eForm Distribution

Form TypeDefaults to all form types. Use this dropdown to change the form selection. Select one or more form types and click the OK button to refresh the output.
Form StatusDefaults to all statuses. Use this dropdown to change the status selection.
Results GridShows the count totals for forms by status.
Form ID (Count)Click on the count total to drill into a summary list of forms in error.
Grid DrilldownGrid view shows Form Type, Age Group, Error Count, Count, Error Rate, Type Filter, and Age Filter. Screenshot Pivot Grid Drilldown
Export Data:

Click this option to export report results to an Excel table.

Chart Options

Click this option to change certain chart details, as seen in images in “eForms in Error” section above.


Click to save new chart options.

Chart Views

Use the chart type icons to change the chart view. Click on any segment of the chart to see a detailed view of that chart data. Icons same as image shown in “eForms in Error” section above.

Cycle Time

Shows average length of time for forms from origination to execution by form type. The report can be filtered by form type, days elapsed and date range.

Screenshot Cycle Time

Filters and Options

Use filters and options to adjust the chart output. Available filters appear in the filter window at the top of the screen. Click the options menu (cog wheel icon) to select from additional options (below). Filters and options are user-specific.


Prompt on original date to restrict the results from the origination date of the form.

View Grid:

Click this option to see the chart data in grid format.

Screenshot Grid view of cycle time data

Form TypeDefaults to all form types. Use this dropdown to change the form selection. Select one or more form types and click the OK button to refresh the output.
Elapsed FilterDefaults to all day ranges. Use this dropdown to change the elapsed days selection.
Results GridShows the count totals for forms by cycle times.
Form ID (Count)Click on the count total to drill into a summary list of forms in error.
Grid DrilldownGrid view shows Form ID, Form Type, Original Date, Originator, Last Date, Last Operator, Cycle Time, Days Elapsed, Elapsed Filter, Step Title, and Time Elapsed. Screenshot Grid Drilldown
Export Data:

Click this option to export report results to an Excel table.

Chart Options

Click this option to change certain chart details, as seen in images in “eForms in Error” section above.


Click to save new chart options.

Chart Views

Use the chart type icons to change the chart view. Click on any segment of the chart to see a detailed view of that chart data. Icons same as image shown in “eForms in Error” section above.

Average Response Time

Shows average length of time the form is at one step before it is completed. The report can be filtered by form action, form type, and user ID.

Screenshot Average Response Time

Filters and Options

Use filters and options to adjust the chart output. Available filters appear in the filter window at the top of the screen. Click the options menu (cog wheel icon) to select from additional options (below). Filters and options are user-specific.


Prompt on original date to restrict the results from the origination date of the form.

View Grid:

Click this option to see the chart data in grid format.

Screenshot View grid data for response times

User IDDefaults to all user IDs. Use this dropdown to change the user ID selection. Select a single user ID to check response times for that individual.
Form TypeDefaults to all form types. Use this dropdown to change the form selection. Select one or more form types and click the OK button to refresh the output.
Form ActionDefaults to all form actions. Use this dropdown to change the Form Action selection. Use the Form Action to check the response time for specific form actions.
Results GridShows the average response time in days for each form by all users or filtered by specific users.
Form ID (Count)Click on the count total to drill into a summary list of forms in error.
Grid DrilldownGrid data shows Form ID, Form Type, User ID, Type Filter, Form Action, Days, and Time Elapsed. Screenshot Grid Drilldown
Export Data:

Click this option to export report results to an Excel table.

Chart Options

Click this option to change certain chart details, as seen in images in “eForms in Error” section above.


Click save to save new chart options.

Chart Views

Use the chart type icons to change the chart view. Click on any segment of the chart to see a detailed view of that chart data. Icons same as image shown in “eForms in Error” section above.

Correction rates

Shows the total number of times a form is denied, withdrawn, resubmitted, or recycled by form type. The report can be filtered by form type, action, and date range. A high count in one of these areas could indicate a need for more training or an updated form design.

Screenshot eForm Correction Rates

Filters and Options

Use filters and options to adjust the chart output. Available filters appear in the filter window at the top of the screen. Click the options menu (cog wheel icon) to select from additional options (below). Filters and options are user-specific.


Prompt on original date to restrict the results from the origination date of the form.

View Grid:

Click this option to see the chart data in grid format.

Screenshot View grid data for correction dates

Type FilterDefaults to all form types. Use this dropdown to change the form selection. Select one or more form types and click the OK button to refresh the output.
Form ActionDefaults to all form actions. Use this dropdown to change the Form Action selection. Use the Form Action to check the response time for specific form actions.
Results GridShows the rate of corrections by corrective action and form type.
Form ID (Count)Click on the count total to drill into a summary list of forms in error.
Grid DrilldownGrid view shows Form ID, Form Action, Form Type, Type Filter, Action Filter, Original Date, and Rate. Screenshot Grid Drilldown
Export Data:

Click this option to export report results to an Excel table.

Chart Options

Click this option to change certain chart details, as seen in images in “eForms in Error” section above.


Click to save new chart options.

Chart Views

Use the chart type icons to change the chart view. Click on any segment of the chart to see a detailed view of that chart data. Icons same as image shown in “eForms in Error” section above.